Posters who limit views on their profile


May 3, 2012
*finds user in thread with limited views*

@It is a mystery how ironic. :skip:

just copy their URL when you get the limits and add reputation to the end like so

Reputation: It is a mystery
  1. 10
    Given: Yesterday at 11:47 AM
    Max Goonberg commented: (Lol good point) Post #27918848
  2. 10
    Given: Tuesday at 8:40 PM
    Address_Unknown commented: (Excellent gif usage.) Post #27915711
  3. -10
    Given: Saturday at 5:07 PM
    ALMIGHTY GOD commented: (hhhhhh) Post #27867729
  4. 10
    Given: Friday at 7:30 PM
    Renkz commented: (LOL) Post #27849166
  5. 10
    Given: Friday at 8:24 AM
    RiGGA commented: (Mjlol) Post #27849166
  6. 10
    Given: Dec 23, 2017
    detroitwalt commented: (:dead:) Post #27646468
  7. 10
    Given: Dec 23, 2017
    Child of Inyanga commented: (Foxy Brown Affirmative Action verse got nothin on this :mjlol:) Post #27646468
  8. 10
    Given: Dec 22, 2017
    Manny ManhaTTan commented: (Made me laugh) Post #27646468
  9. 10
    Given: Dec 21, 2017
    Strick_9 commented: (It's simple mathematics, lol!) Post #27646468
  10. 10
    Given: Dec 21, 2017
    Liu Kang commented: (+10) Post #27646468
  11. 10
    Given: Dec 21, 2017
    3rdLetter commented: (fukkin :dead:) Post #27646468
  12. 10
    Given: Dec 20, 2017
    Charlie Hustle commented: (math) Post #27646468
  13. 10
    Given: Dec 20, 2017
    MaxBundles commented: (Lmao) Post #27646468
  14. 10
    Given: Dec 20, 2017
    iSeeBrokePeople commented: (You're a genius.) Post #27646468
  15. 10
    Given: Dec 20, 2017
    Ask a Stupid Question commented: (Hmm...) Post #27646468
  16. 10
    Given: Dec 20, 2017
    Address_Unknown commented: (fukkin 5 Star post. Hold this, breh.) Post #27646468
  17. 10
    Given: Dec 20, 2017
    4everMoor commented: (Lmao!!!!!) Post #27646468
  18. -10
    Given: Dec 18, 2017
    Burakkukirā Blacktosai commented: (Smh) Post #27621261
  19. 10
    Given: Dec 9, 2017
    yardman commented: (Thread title made me laugh) Post #27497334
  20. 10
    Given: Dec 3, 2017
    Hennessypapi commented: (I agree but GOATku is still the man :blessed) Post #27379335
  21. -10
    Given: Dec 2, 2017
    Kotal Kahn commented: (its called not being bytch made and having honor) Post #27379335
  22. 10
    Given: Nov 27, 2017
    FruitOfTheVale commented: (Lol) Post #27320663
  23. 10
    Given: Nov 26, 2017
    HopeKillCure commented: (Eaaaaaaat) Post #27320663
  24. 10
    Given: Nov 25, 2017
    TreeElecHuggica commented: (Take me with you to the future no homo) Post #27312520
  25. 10
    Given: Nov 23, 2017
    AdvantageSouthpaw commented: (lol) Post #27282795
You can do this with the others as well, have fun

You IT brehs always deliver

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Reputation: 4d 6f 6e 65 79
  1. -10
    Given: 58 minutes ago
    Negatron commented: (click baiting fakkit. WE WANT RECEIPTS!!!) Post #27924317
  2. -10
    Given: Today at 9:51 AM
    Heatle commented: (...) Post #27924317
  3. -10
    Given: Today at 8:18 AM
    Friendzone commented: (Stop using the n-word habib) Post #27931321
  4. -10
    Given: Today at 2:44 AM
    KOOL-AID commented: (shutup u indian faggit) Post #27929431
  5. -10
    Given: Yesterday at 11:15 PM
    TYBG commented: (...) Post #27924317
  6. -10
    Given: Yesterday at 6:07 PM
    DrexlersCut commented: (Negged for click baiting Bonaparte) Post #27924317
  7. -10
    Given: Yesterday at 6:03 PM
    iHiphop86 commented: (Lied about thread title) Post #27924317
  8. -10
    Given: Yesterday at 5:43 PM
    M.DOT commented: (dikkhead) Post #27924317
  9. 10
    Given: Tuesday at 1:43 PM
    The Black Panther commented: (Them receipts :banderas:) Post #27908108
  10. -10
    Given: Tuesday at 11:51 AM
    NYC_Warrior commented: (Who told you to @ me you indian cow worshipping red dot curry spicy vindaloo fakkit?) Post #27906403
  11. -10
    Given: Tuesday at 11:51 AM
    VladTheImpaler commented: (meh) Post #27906871
  12. -10
    Given: Tuesday at 11:46 AM
    IronFist commented: (You must be one of them slow, can't get the main idea types. Don't fukking tag me in ya sistagurl shyt blood. Men don't move like you) Post #27906694
  13. -10
    Given: Tuesday at 11:42 AM
    Keyser Soze commented: (Only cause you a bytch) Post #27906831
  14. -10
    Given: Tuesday at 10:25 AM
    MVike28 commented: (shut the entire fukk up) Post #27773110
  15. -10
    Given: Monday at 7:37 PM
    Username commented: (Worry about YOUR people.) Post #27884614
  16. -10
    Given: Monday at 7:22 PM
    Billy Ocean commented: (Stfu, Indian fakkit) Post #20342691
  17. -10
    Given: Monday at 7:07 PM
    JamieFoxxHairline commented: (Stfu fakkit) Post #27895140
  18. -10
    Given: Saturday at 6:42 PM
    DakotaRed commented: (....) Post #27859319
  19. -10
    Given: Saturday at 1:21 PM
    Zenmack commented: (Coolie b*stard.) Post #27862218
  20. -10
    Given: Saturday at 12:18 AM
    Datcrud commented: (Get the fukk out of my thread feds.) Post #27859280
  21. 10
    Given: Friday at 10:13 PM
    Remote commented: (I managed to buy it on kindle but thank you for going out of your way to send the link. Much appreciated.) Post #27850722
  22. 10
    Given: Friday at 1:41 PM
    VR Tripper commented: (...) Post #27851908
  23. 10
    Given: Friday at 12:53 PM
    ExodusNirvana commented: (Good looks on the the man for this breh...EAT) Post #27850811
  24. 10
    Given: Friday at 12:34 PM
    Hood Critic commented: (Good looking on that digital work.) Post #27850722
  25. -10
    Given: Jan 4, 2018
    Regular_P commented: (Some people like to support others.) Post #27841300
