Alotta of. These nikkas r lost...I tell them to start a business and stop chasing women and I get negged everyday
Sometimes, we take the path of least resistance. Chasing p*ssy is a lot easier than chasing the idea of being your own boss. A lot of people don't mind being told what to do, so that they have the ability to blame someone else for their own failures. But with Black have to deal with the dichotomy of being discriminated against, but still feeling the pressure of trying to fit in to what white society deems acceptable. When instead, we can and have created products and businesses and services that they want.
I should've taken up a trade instead of getting a degree, because it would've been cheaper, plus something, somewhere needs to be installed or fixed or replaced. I'm not knocking degrees, because we need more Black lawyers, doctors, accountants, teachers, etc. I just wish that the best of us would consider starting their own thing instead of going to work for corporation where they are mired in mediocrity and not being recognized for their true talents and contributions. But how can you argue that when they are getting paid 6 figures?