Two different looks that tend to mean she likes White men:
1. The over-cultivated-yet-woefully-under-trained look. This woman will likely be some kind of career woman who has yet to have gotten a full-grasp on how to properly put makeup on. She'll use too much powder, a much lighter base shade than her actual colour, incredibly bright lipstick, and a bad weave that is far more noticeable to Black women and men, than to White men. She'll wear dark coloured clingy dresses and expensive luxury purses, and her lips will oft-fix themselves to talk down on "ghetto Black people."
2. The second look is what has been well-documented on the Coli, the "free love" look. She will take the form of what we've come to associate with pro-Blackness, a well-maintained Afro, often with kente-patterned headscarves, her clothing will come almost exclusively fro American Apparel or H&M, she will have some piercing other than an earlobe piercing, and she will don clearly fake-coloured contacts from time to time. She will claim she "sees no colour" when she's dating but that mean "she sees no coloureds" and her dating pool will be almost exclusively White or Asian men. She owns high-waisted jeans and clunky pseudo-heels. That is neither here nor there.
1. The over-cultivated-yet-woefully-under-trained look. This woman will likely be some kind of career woman who has yet to have gotten a full-grasp on how to properly put makeup on. She'll use too much powder, a much lighter base shade than her actual colour, incredibly bright lipstick, and a bad weave that is far more noticeable to Black women and men, than to White men. She'll wear dark coloured clingy dresses and expensive luxury purses, and her lips will oft-fix themselves to talk down on "ghetto Black people."
2. The second look is what has been well-documented on the Coli, the "free love" look. She will take the form of what we've come to associate with pro-Blackness, a well-maintained Afro, often with kente-patterned headscarves, her clothing will come almost exclusively fro American Apparel or H&M, she will have some piercing other than an earlobe piercing, and she will don clearly fake-coloured contacts from time to time. She will claim she "sees no colour" when she's dating but that mean "she sees no coloureds" and her dating pool will be almost exclusively White or Asian men. She owns high-waisted jeans and clunky pseudo-heels. That is neither here nor there.