Few people have seen Moonrise Kingdom.moonrise kingdom
nausicaa of the valley of the wind
django (might not count since lots of people like it)
Pretty funny.
Few people have seen Moonrise Kingdom.moonrise kingdom
nausicaa of the valley of the wind
django (might not count since lots of people like it)
Especially if Carlos was the 3-part miniseries (each 90 minutes) and not the compressed version.
Yes, the full version... of the other listed, have you seen all of them and just not as big a fan? If not, you need to see Assembly, Hunger and La Promesse... though obviously I consider all must-watches.
The ones I didn't put in bold I haven't seen.
Incendies has been on Showtime/Encore recently but I never catch it from the beginning so I refused to watch.
Reign Over Me ...I wanted to watch it years ago but for some reason, I can't bring myself to watch it now. Maybe it's just because I can't take Adam Sandler seriously. I hear it's a great movie though.
Definitley going to add to my list.Check them out, Reign Over Me is great. Incendies is nuts. I really recommend, considering you seem to like the other movies I mentioned that you've seen, to check out the rest of them. Hunger has one of the most impressive scenes I've ever seen in my life. Just dialog between two people but it's incredibly long and was shot in one take (meaning there aren't edits, different cuts used to make the one scene)
I love that movie so much, its just so charming makes me feel some special way. Crazy well directed tooFew people have seen Moonrise Kingdom.
Pretty funny.
I saw it in the movie theater.I love that movie so much, its just so charming makes me feel some special way. Crazy well directed too
The Third Man
Blood Simple
Road To Perdition
All in my Top 50