Porn website must pay 22 women nearly $13M for forcing them to film videos: judge


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
Be careful- sticking up for women will get you branded as a dap fishing simp

Never mind the fact that the brehs who feel these chicks got what they deserve are doing just that
this is so disingenuous :mjlol:
It’s called reasonable discernment..
Not everything is black and white..
Just because dudes don’t jump out the window..
At first glance on some of these situations..
Does not mean they hate women:skip:
Everything is a case by case scenario..
From reading the article..
The alcohol and coercion..
To any well adjusted person..
Is fukked up..
Especially if the girls were 17..
But now we are trying to switch it up when girls are 18 years old:skip:
Come on breh..
That’s just ridiculous and the people who say shyt like your statement(and the dude you quoted)..
Are not trying to have a real conversation..
At least question some of the facts and stories from said girls..
Anybody being taken advantage is simply wrong..
But trying to indict people as “women haters”..
Because they ask questions..
Have actually lived a life outside of the inter webs..
Seen some triflin shyt from women of all ages that makes them go:ohhh::patrice:
Is straight wack..
Wouldnt have it any other :mjlol:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
@Kiyoshi-Dono here are some of the greatest hits from this thread

Forced? You knew what time it was from jump. Take responsibility for your own stupidity ladies :dry:

They didn’t have to do it. No one pulled a gun on them and forced them. If they had the morals that they claim to have they would have kept their legs closed.

So you think them hoes went in with the con planned?

I'm not saying I do, yet women are STILL that naive, breh.

Im sure someone eventually flat out said these chicks deserved it

You are the one being disingenuous here... these dudes aren't "asking questions", they're making judgments based on nothing but the gender of the victims and the outcome. Like @TEH saying nobody pulled a gun on them. These chicks were flying women out and then withholding their tickets and luggage and shyt. You won't talk about that though. You'd rather call out the "simps" :comeon: You nikkas are full of shyt and proud of it so why would you expect genuine discussion in response?

clyma est mort

R.I.P. Eazy-E
Jan 7, 2017
Nor Cal
Glad these clowns are having to pay up.

I keep coming back to the whole “these videos will only go to private collectors overseas” B.S.
Some professor type in a turtleneck and blazer in his study, puffing a pipe, pulling a DVD off the shelf of some rare vintage smut.


Jun 29, 2012
Found this on reddit - they verified that this indeed one of the women involved:

Porn producer-“Hey DonRe, take it in the ass or get left stranded in war-torn syria?”

DonRe- *proceeds to run through the streets of syria* yelling “praise be to allah”

this hoe bogus. They make you bleed, cause
emotional and physical pain. And you worried about how
To get back home? Aight dorothy.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I give most 18 year olds more credit than this.
Key word is "most". Abusers, fraudsters, traffickers, etc. explicitly target the most vulnerable people they can find. Let's say that only the most naive 10% would fall for it. So, does that make it less illegal somehow?

@Rhakim stay the fukk out of this thread you uneducated non thinking bytch made simp. You are the problem with this site. Its a fukking message board. Debate your opinion if you have one you beta imbecile. Dont neg me because you wasnt taught anything.

I dont care if the girls werent "in the industry". They willingly had sex for money. They engaged in prostitution. They were whores that night.

POTY :snoop::pacspit:
Why do every one of you fools talk like a middle schooler learning to use the internet for the first time and excited you can say shyt without your parents' hearing? :why:

You saw my posts about what my wife and I do then you know I know way more about this shyt than most and it's personal to me. So let the adults talk until you grow up enough to participate in an adult conversation.

I don’t believe it either they doing porn for a porn sites of course they know it’s going to be on the net
If that was true, please explain WHY the video producers went to such dramatic lengths to lie to them about it? :comeon:

By their own admission they targeted women who weren't doing porn and weren't going to do porn. They sent them ads about modeling that didn't mention porn at all. They paid women to pretend to be former satisfied clients to talk to the girls and ASSURE them that nothing would end up on the net at all. They lied about what they would have to do, and when they told them what they would have to do, lied again and continuously assured them nothing would go on the internet. And if they refused, they threatened them and then doxxed them.

These guys have been running a multimillion dollar scam for years, they ain't stupid. They KNEW all those lies and fraud would open them up to lawsuits and prosecution. So why would they do all that shyt if it was all a waste of time like you claim? :jbhmm:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
How do you intimidate a woman into making a porn vid and then coming back for a repeat scene aka GDP 336 the leader and law student of the whole charade.
You clearly didn't read shyt that we posted about the case.

It was intersecting circles of exploitation, like most sex trafficking. Some of the women were going the whole way and doing it willingly, they just were lied to about the videos appearing on the internet. Other women had to be coerced to do it by lying to them about what they'd be expected to do before they came and then pressuring them when they got there (through getting them intoxicated, telling them they wouldn't get no money and would be stranded in San Diego with no plane ticket back if they didn't do the extra shyt, etc.). Other women, when they refused to go through even after being pressured, were threatened with doxxing, told the nude photos they had sent earlier as "auditions" would be sent to all their friends and family members if they didn't go through with the hardcore shyt, actually had their exits blocked and were forced to stay in the room until they finished, etc. Then when some girls started to complain afterwards the video producers DID dox them and made all their information public on the webs and purposely got it to their family and community members just to humiliate them.

There were hundreds of girls involved and each one was a different story. Some were exploited more than others. Some didn't want to do it, others were willing but just lied to about where the videos would appear. It's ignorant to take one girl's story and pretend that somehow applies to all the others, just like the idiots who saw a few of the videos and somehow are claiming that tells them everything they need to know about every other girl's situation.
May 1, 2012
fukk them cacs but I do pose this question. You're a father.. if your 18-year old daughter (y'all keep saying 18 but many of these women were well into their 20s) is willing to get on a flight and "model" in some dingy hotel and then proceeds to fukk for cash..

You failed as a father. They were lied to. Producers are pieces of shyt. You still failed as a father.


Feb 8, 2015
Pray none of you dudes have daughters. In every other thread y’all blame everybody under the sun for your failures (white people, politicians, billionaires, racism, the economy yada yada yada) but this 17/18 year old girl should’ve took more responsibility.


Apr 30, 2012
I'm a dude and when I was 18-19, I knew when something wasn't right. I didn't grow up in the streets just a regular 2 parent home. But I still had enough street smarts to recognize fukkery.

Excusing these women bc of their age or being naive is wack. They knew what they were doing for money. But saying "i didnt know" is a good lie bc the dudes told them the vids were private

mortuus est

May 26, 2012
Porn producer-“Hey DonRe, take it in the ass or get left stranded in war-torn syria?”

DonRe- *proceeds to run through the streets of syria* yelling “praise be to allah”

this hoe bogus. They make you bleed, cause
emotional and physical pain. And you worried about how
To get back home? Aight dorothy.

bro you have to look at it from a womans point of view

you got no money, you stranded, big big men are in your face telling you to do this and that
they came for the money yes but you cant compare it to war in syria

women aint built to fight, and in most cases if a woman fights back big men at 18, thats sucide right there so of course ur gonna get fuked and take the money and bounce cause you're already there , you will compile, you cant leave with no money and phone back home some how to get back, who is helping? we hear time and time again most women that do porn have rough backgrounds or no family, that already should tell you something, how you getting back if you a 18 year young woman?? you getting fuked in the ass and youre taking that money, either you learn from it and it wont happen, but look deeper

you guy need to use your brain more, men and women cant be held to the same standards cause biology tells and shows us why + way more

mortuus est

May 26, 2012
They knew what they were doing for money. But saying "i didnt know" is a good lie bc the dudes told them the vids were private
they say "i didn't know" because they didnt know they would have to get fuked rough and violated

they tell you this

most find photoshoots or modeling agencies , some might sign up to a porn company but usually what goes wrong and were u guys aint getting it, is when the producers are adding more stuff that the chick has to do (doing long scenes when they got told it would be 30mins etc etc) these guys were pushing the limits and taking the piss out of them girls, they know what they are doing, they how ever did not know they would get violated


Oct 6, 2015
So let the adults talk until you grow up enough to participate in an adult conversation.
Except you didn't want to have a real conversation at first you just negged like a fakkit after I didn't agree with you. Now you trying to hide your hand and act like some sort of an intellectual.

Anyway, I agree that people are manipulated into bullshyt everyday. But such is life. Life has always been and will always be about decisions and these women made bad decisions. I do not feel sorry for them. They decided to take flights to meet with strange men in cities far from home...they decided to drink alcohol, they decided to go to strange mens hotel rooms, they decided to fukk for money. Doesn't matter that they thought no one would see the footage.

What you and others are actually doing are handicapping young women by declaring their decision making ability inadequate. You are saying that women are much more susceptible to peer pressure than men and therefore shouldn't be held accountable for their decisions especially in sexual nature. This mentality has kept women thinking of themselves as victims and is the real reason these whores felt powerless in the first place.

EVERYONE faces peer pressure. EVERYONE will have to deal with older people trying to manipulate them into some bullshyt. But decisions are decisions and choices are choices. Them videos ain't going nowhere no matter the settlement.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Except you didn't want to have a real conversation at first you just negged like a fakkit after I didn't agree with you. Now you trying to hide your hand and act like some sort of an intellectual.

Anyway, I agree that people are manipulated into bullshyt everyday. But such is life. Life has always been and will always be about decisions and these women made bad decisions. I do not feel sorry for them. They decided to take flights to meet with strange men in cities far from home...they decided to drink alcohol, they decided to go to strange mens hotel rooms, they decided to fukk for money. Doesn't matter that they thought no one would see the footage.

What you and others are actually doing are handicapping young women by declaring their decision making ability inadequate. You are saying that women are much more susceptible to peer pressure than men and therefore shouldn't be held accountable for their decisions especially in sexual nature. This mentality has kept women thinking of themselves as victims and is the real reason these whores felt powerless in the first place.

EVERYONE faces peer pressure. EVERYONE will have to deal with older people trying to manipulate them into some bullshyt. But decisions are decisions and choices are choices. Them videos ain't going nowhere no matter the settlement.
Victims of fraud and abuse are still victims of fraud and abuse even if you think they should have known better. I'd prefer a world where everyone asking women to do sex work is honest about their intentions, and faces punishment if they are not. Is that REALLY too much to ask?

Let's review what the feds say again, because ain't no one talking trash about these women has addressed the actual charges.

San Diego federal prosecutors charged them with sex trafficking by force, fraud, and coercion. And they fled the country.
A state judge tentatively awarded more than $12.7 million to the 22 women suing porn production company Girls Do Porn today, finding that the company intimidated the women into shooting adult videos, and lied to them about how they will be distributed.

Later in the article:

The judge also found that they were at times threatened until they agreed to sign the contract.

And again later:

"Defendants rush and pressure the woman to sign the documents quickly without reading them and engage in other deceptive, coercive, and threatening behavior to secure their signatures... The Court finds these putative contracts invalid and unenforceable-part and parcel of Defendants' fraudulent scheme," he wrote in the ruling.
Even their own videographer has testified that they lied to the girls. They already admitted their business model was to target girls who didn't do porn. The fake former clients they used to further lie to the girls have already been outed. People saying the girls would have known....IF THE GIRLS KNEW ANYWAY THEN WHY WOULD YOU LIE TO THEM AND EXPOSE YOURSELF TO MASSIVE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES?????

And look what the DOJ said happened to the girls who realized they were being taken advantage of and didn't want to go through with it:

“Some of the women were pressured into signing documents without reviewing them and then threatened with legal action or outing if they failed to perform; some were not permitted to leave the shooting locations until the videos were made; family and friends and the general public eventually saw the videos online; some victims were harassed and ridiculed and estranged from their families as a result; and some were sexually assaulted and in at least one case raped. Some were forced to perform certain sex acts they had declined to do, or they would not be paid or allowed to leave.”

And look at the case @re'up posted:
Owner of San Diego Porn Website Face Child Pornography Charges

Just so people know what happened, and don't start this "They knew what they were doing" line of thinking.

They were grabbing girls as young as 16 and 17 and they've already had four of their employees turn on them and admit that they lied to the girls to get them into the studio.