the cac mamba
facts. the last year of my grandma's life wasEuthanasia.
When I was young, I heard of Jack Kevorkian. I thought this dude was a murderer, until I grew up more and saw both of my Grandmas having strokes with one of them living 2 years more, but in a nursing home with her right hand unable to open/close. My uncle had 4 strokes, the last one taking his away the ability to speak, swallow and eat; the facial muscles are dead.
You can see it in their eyes, they were already dead inside and just didn't want to stick around.
So when I see people with ALS, or suffering badly from Cancer with no cure in sight. I feel like they should get to choose when to die, and alot of time it allows for a Birthday Celebration where all their friends and family can say goodbye while they are fully aware. Plus the medicine itself is seemingly more humane than the death penalty, as they simply drink a concoction that stops their heart.

and you would think especially in a country like this, that assigns so much fukkin cost to taking care of the elderly. its just not politically correct to talk about