It needs to be update to Terrorist Attack. This by nature is a terrorist attack. Plain and simple. Honestly we need to call it what it really is, a terrorist attack on Americans
It should be...but white nationalism is unfortunately too narcisstic to allow anyone that isn't white the liberty of being known as being defined as a citizen. They want them to know they'll be guests in the house but you can't call it your home like they do. This is so obvious at this point now. You can't seperate the baby from the bathwater but they want to "for some reason".
I put that in quotes cause at this point it's just clearly obvious why it is but most people just want to play dumb and think it's just like that "for some reason" and there isn't an agenda and hasn't been an agenda since America's inception. Sure, I could use the "it's not about race" BS and the "we are all the same race" bullshyt...but then it wouldn't matter and you would lose all of the perks of being known as the dominant class and entitled to all that the first world has to offer.
If #ALLLIVESMATTER why are the ones that matter usually white? Why are the only real people known as citizens of first world countries always identified as white? Why are the ones that don't...not? Cause then you wouldn't have people to do stuff for ya and then you'd have to actually see them as people and not things. It's like treating a person like a doormat.
That's why all of this blind patriotism and the 4th of July seems so hypocritical. The past couple of weeks have shown me America will never truly be a melting pot for this very reason. And it's not because we don't assimilate or refuse to work or are poor or whatever...if you really cared about the lives of all americans...they shouldn't just consist of white males and females "for some reason" . This is done on purpose. It's like having a cake but you don't want to share it but let others take a look at it while you and your friends have to watch them eat it.
The past couple of weeks have really shown what America looks like under all that makeup and it's the stuff that gives you nightmares.