Now if those 10 other victims had a gun to protect themselves it would decrease. You morons dont understand logic... A burglar a criminal a murderer will always have a gun they dont abide by rules. Everyone loses their right to own a gun and the only people left with guns will be the underworld. I dont trust this goverment its not here for its people its here for money and power.
A criminal has a plan. It doesn't matter how many straps you got on you dog if someone wants to walk up on you at the mall and blast you they got you cause that's what they want to do.
Most people have a sense of security when out and about in their daily life they aren't on high alert all the damn time. That's how you end up batshyt crazy and with ptsd type stuff.
And if the government wants to they can get you. The 2nd amendment is useless in the modern age because technology has advanced for the government while everyday people still have their muskets. When the US government does attack it's own people where are all the guns then? Oh that's right nobody pulls it cause they know it's a quick wrap once they do. Biggest false bravado around.