Encore Presentation:
white people will never hold themselves accountable for anything.
and thats why they are the devil
Encore Presentation:
white people will never hold themselves accountable for anything.
can we do a coli test? all coli poster, google map for a southern confederate street in your state. let's create a list and spam the internet with it.
central park was a black community that they destroyed and built into a parkPeople want to make this a southern issue but there was Slavery in New York. KKK is huge in parts of Pennsylvania and Maryland. I went to an exhibit at the American History Museum called "Slavery in New York" back in 2005. There is a slave Graveyard right in the heart of Wall St. Slaves built some of the greatest historical New York monuments including City Hall and the Brooklyn Bridge. These Northern Liberals like to act like they are somehow better than the South when they did the same thing. The only thing was they abolished it earlier than the South.
They really want black people to think we are crazy.
Rep. Mike Burns (R-Greenville)
Burns, a South Carolina native, said the flag shouldn’t be taken down because people view it as a way to honor their heritage and their ancestors who fought in the Civil War.
Rep. Bill Chumley (R-Greenville, Spartanburg)
A member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Chumley said the issue of the flag didn’t need to be discussed further, as it was decided in a 2000 compromise to move the flag from the Statehouse dome to the Capitol grounds. “This needs to go no further,” he told the Post. “It has been settled already. A compromise is a compromise.”
Christopher Corley (R-Aiken)
The 35-year-old former attorney made his opinion on the flag clear. “I’m for leaving it where it is — absolutely,” he said. “If I have to put 500 amendments on this thing to keep it there, then I will do it. This is a non-issue that’s being made an issue by certain groups trying to take advantage of a terrible situation.”
Craig A. Gagnon (R-Abbeville, Anderson)
Gagnon, a Massachusetts-born former chiropractor, told the Post he sees no reason to take the flag down. “I don’t think the flag at the monument at the Statehouse was a part of the reason for doing these heinous murders,” he said.
Mike Gambrell (R-Abbeville, Anderson)
This former fire department chief, along with other representatives from his county, said it was not an appropriate time to debate the issue of the flag. They told the Anderson Independent Mailthat discussions about the Confederate flag should wait until after funerals for the nine victims are held.
“There is a time and place for that decision,” he said. “I don’t think it is right now.” Gambrell is the chairman of the county’s legislative delegation.
Jonathon D. Hill (R-Anderson)
Hill told the Independent Mail he will oppose any effort to remove the Confederate flag from the grounds and added that he was “pretty disappointed” with the governor’s “misguided attempt to combat racism.”
“You defeat it with love,” Hill said. “You don’t defeat it with politics.”
Michael A. Pitts (R-Greenwood, Laurens)
When asked about the Confederate flag on the day after shooting, Pitts said, “I think it’ll bring up talk about possibly moving it because that talk is just below the surface forever. But I don’t see that this incident has any bearing on the flag or the flag has any bearing on the incident. This kid had drug issues and mental issues and I think that’s the root of the problem. Racism exists no matter whether you try to use the flag as a symbol for that or not.”
Mike Ryhal (R-Horry)
Former businessman Ryhal has spoken a few times about his belief that the flag is “no problem.” “I don’t think it should be removed,” he told the Post. “It is a part of the South Carolina history. It is on the grounds. I think it’s fine where it’s at.” He also said removing the flag “wouldn’t change the way people feel about race.”
“We have numerous monuments all over the Statehouse grounds reflecting the history of South Carolina and I see that flag as a piece of our history,” he said to the Myrtle Beach Sun-News.
“The fact is it’s part of the history of the South. There’s no problem with having it out there.”
I looked it up, a lot of those areas they represent are 80% white. They have no incentive to bring the flag down. Even if it's the humane thing to do, most politicians aren't human.
BSO, so not sure if real.....they acknowledged that much as well too.