Police Respond to Shooting at Charleston, South Carolina Church - Update: Captured

Jun 8, 2012
Obama cried for the Sandy Hook victims, but when his own people were massacred he deflected not towards the victims but to gun control. Obama never gave a fukk about black people. This was our chance to get some real changes but Obama turned his backs towards the people who got him in office. If a black president turned his back on black people then it would be easier for the next white president to ignore the needs of black people. We're done in this country.

And I am too...

But let other people tell it (black folks especially) and Obama's not the President of black people...he's the president of America.

Yes...he is the president of America. a white supremacist nation...he's just representing them and their idealogies. They needed a black face to pacify blacks. And give them false hope.

It only going to get worse for black people in America from this point.
Jun 8, 2012
Where do these Cacs keep coming from it's like they are sent to purposely debate get stomped and than rinse and repeat...

It's no secret the link to these threads are shared amongst them on other forums and they send people here from their ranks to agitate us. And further cause confusion and chaos.


May 2, 2012
Birther lawyer justifies Charleston shooter: Obama made racists believe blacks have ‘taken over the country’

Travis Gettys
22 Jun 2015 at 12:41 ET


Image of Larry Klayman via official Freedom Watch bio
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A conservative activist blames President Barack Obama – who he believes is ineligible to sit in the Oval Office – for the shooting deaths of nine black worshipers by a white supremacist in a South Carolina church.

Larry Klayman, who has filed lawsuits and organized rallies intended to drive the president from office, accused Obama and other prominent blacks of creating an “atmosphere of anger” that provoked racist attacks against black victims, reported Right Wing Watch.

“Obama, (former Attorney General Eric) Holder and their enablers, like Al Sharpton, have become what they accused President George W. Bush of being: a recruiting tool for terrorists thanks to his invasion of Iraq,” Klayman said in a column posted Friday at World Net Daily.

Klayman, who warned that Americans were “ruled, quote-unquote, by a president that bows down to Allah,” claimed that Obama had incited white supremacists to carry out violence.

“Obama and company’s biased actions against whites, Christians and Jews have ironically served to draw neo-Nazis and sick Klansman out of their caves and have emboldened them to try to justify criminal acts – people like Dylann Roof,” Klayman said. “Indeed, Roof was quoted as saying that he struck because blacks had ‘taken over the country.’”

The Judicial Watch founder has repeatedly accused Obama, who he believes was not born in the United States, and his “fellow travelers” of trying to implement Marxist policies after illegally assuming power.

“They have been inciting one group against another group, race against race and class against class,” Klayman argued.

He justified the Charleston terror suspect’s actions – even as he dismissed the 21-year-old as a racist.

“As racists like Dylann Roof watch on the news two police officers being executed by a black man in retaliation for events in Ferguson and rioting by blacks, what affect do we expect on society?” Klayman said. “When those who burned down their own neighborhoods are not arrested, what signals does that send to the sick unbalanced minds of people like like Dylann Roof?”

Watch Klayman tell Obama to “put the Quran down” a Tea Party rally posted online by 147DegreesWest:
despite what cacs say about b lacks refusing to take responsibility for our actions, no one is as unaccountable for their misdeeds as the damn white man.
Jun 8, 2012
Days like this I wish more known rappers would speak out like the breh
They scared.

Of losing their white friends
Of losing money
Of losing contracts
Of being seen as that "hostile racist anti-white person.

Like all of those folks preaching forgiveness
Like some of the people on here and on instagram, twitter, etc.
And in some degrees...myself.

And I'll say why...cause we want to live...we don't want to die. We want to live the only lives we have in peace and flourish. We want to go back to our families. We want to have fun. fukk bytches. Get money. Prosper. And just because someone hates the color of your skin...how broad and wide your nose ...how thick your lips are, how curly and kiny your hair is...and the fact you don't have a simple name like peter or lisa...they want you to die.

Which is fukked up because we did NOTHING to deserve this shyt! Alright. These crackers (yeah...I'll use that word) striaght up just have hate in their hearts for black people and wish to keep us under their thumb. Just the sight of black people is enough to send them into a rage. The fact that people are afraid to go after those that are oppressing them says alot. MAny have been conditioned to accept it and in turn fear their oppressors and pretend they aren't oppressed at all.

The black american dream is dying of natural causes.

Numero Deux

All Star
Nov 7, 2014
The Unapproachable East
Birther lawyer justifies Charleston shooter: Obama made racists believe blacks have ‘taken over the country’

Travis Gettys
22 Jun 2015 at 12:41 ET


Image of Larry Klayman via official Freedom Watch bio
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A conservative activist blames President Barack Obama – who he believes is ineligible to sit in the Oval Office – for the shooting deaths of nine black worshipers by a white supremacist in a South Carolina church.

Larry Klayman, who has filed lawsuits and organized rallies intended to drive the president from office, accused Obama and other prominent blacks of creating an “atmosphere of anger” that provoked racist attacks against black victims, reported Right Wing Watch.

“Obama, (former Attorney General Eric) Holder and their enablers, like Al Sharpton, have become what they accused President George W. Bush of being: a recruiting tool for terrorists thanks to his invasion of Iraq,” Klayman said in a column posted Friday at World Net Daily.

Klayman, who warned that Americans were “ruled, quote-unquote, by a president that bows down to Allah,” claimed that Obama had incited white supremacists to carry out violence.

“Obama and company’s biased actions against whites, Christians and Jews have ironically served to draw neo-Nazis and sick Klansman out of their caves and have emboldened them to try to justify criminal acts – people like Dylann Roof,” Klayman said. “Indeed, Roof was quoted as saying that he struck because blacks had ‘taken over the country.’”

The Judicial Watch founder has repeatedly accused Obama, who he believes was not born in the United States, and his “fellow travelers” of trying to implement Marxist policies after illegally assuming power.

“They have been inciting one group against another group, race against race and class against class,” Klayman argued.

He justified the Charleston terror suspect’s actions – even as he dismissed the 21-year-old as a racist.

“As racists like Dylann Roof watch on the news two police officers being executed by a black man in retaliation for events in Ferguson and rioting by blacks, what affect do we expect on society?” Klayman said. “When those who burned down their own neighborhoods are not arrested, what signals does that send to the sick unbalanced minds of people like like Dylann Roof?”

Watch Klayman tell Obama to “put the Quran down” a Tea Party rally posted online by 147DegreesWest:

Here's an idea: how about we blame the murderer himself for the murders. You know: the guy who stood up, weapon in hand, and proceeded to murder people. The guy who is wholly responsible for his own actions.

It's a difficult concept to wrap that:flabbynsick: hairlined head of your's around, I'm sure.

The God Poster

LWO representa
May 1, 2012
Here's an idea: how about we blame the murderer himself for the murders. You know: the guy who stood up, weapon in hand, and proceeded to murder people. The guy who is wholly responsible for his own actions.

It's a difficult concept to wrap that:flabbynsick: hairlined head of your's around, I'm sure.
Dude look like a bytch. I'd floor em if I seen him in public


Aug 30, 2013
Birther lawyer justifies Charleston shooter: Obama made racists believe blacks have ‘taken over the country’

Travis Gettys
22 Jun 2015 at 12:41 ET


Image of Larry Klayman via official Freedom Watch bio
Don't miss stories. Follow Raw Story!
Follow @rawstory
A conservative activist blames President Barack Obama – who he believes is ineligible to sit in the Oval Office – for the shooting deaths of nine black worshipers by a white supremacist in a South Carolina church.

Larry Klayman, who has filed lawsuits and organized rallies intended to drive the president from office, accused Obama and other prominent blacks of creating an “atmosphere of anger” that provoked racist attacks against black victims, reported Right Wing Watch.

“Obama, (former Attorney General Eric) Holder and their enablers, like Al Sharpton, have become what they accused President George W. Bush of being: a recruiting tool for terrorists thanks to his invasion of Iraq,” Klayman said in a column posted Friday at World Net Daily.

Klayman, who warned that Americans were “ruled, quote-unquote, by a president that bows down to Allah,” claimed that Obama had incited white supremacists to carry out violence.

“Obama and company’s biased actions against whites, Christians and Jews have ironically served to draw neo-Nazis and sick Klansman out of their caves and have emboldened them to try to justify criminal acts – people like Dylann Roof,” Klayman said. “Indeed, Roof was quoted as saying that he struck because blacks had ‘taken over the country.’”

The Judicial Watch founder has repeatedly accused Obama, who he believes was not born in the United States, and his “fellow travelers” of trying to implement Marxist policies after illegally assuming power.

“They have been inciting one group against another group, race against race and class against class,” Klayman argued.

He justified the Charleston terror suspect’s actions – even as he dismissed the 21-year-old as a racist.

“As racists like Dylann Roof watch on the news two police officers being executed by a black man in retaliation for events in Ferguson and rioting by blacks, what affect do we expect on society?” Klayman said. “When those who burned down their own neighborhoods are not arrested, what signals does that send to the sick unbalanced minds of people like like Dylann Roof?”

Watch Klayman tell Obama to “put the Quran down” a Tea Party rally posted online by 147DegreesWest:

This person is a troll, stop linking articles like this. He is basically a crazy person.


Concerning VIolence

May 26, 2015
the belly of the empire
Just really came to me to realize that cacs talk all day about "slavery and jim crow and segregration was a long time. My ancestors were not responsible/ I am not responsible for my ancestors, forgive forget, and move on you dumb monkeys", and yet they protected the confederate flag, that which reminds those same exact things, for the longest time up until this week when their white supremacist PR got into shyt. If you wanted people to move on from something you wouldn't constantly remind them.

Shows you cacs don't believe what they dictate.

Numero Deux

All Star
Nov 7, 2014
The Unapproachable East

This B!tch is so fake. Remember they aren't taking the flag down cause they want to but because the political pressure is overwhelming. LOL @ her bringing up the B-More Riots. This B!tch is trying to tell us how to fell about that Racist flag, SMH

This floozy has to be the absolute most transparent politician in recent memory. What was she before entering politics, a D-List actress?