
Explain to me how this definition doesn't define White Society? As I've said in the past. Nobody is born this way. When you are a baby you don't see through a racial lenses. Those White Supremacy biases have been imprinted in your brain just by being white and being in this society. It's up to you to change your state of mind. Black people can no longer afford to live a lie where it's "Kubya, Post Racial, Were all one big happy American Family".
I'm sorry but No we are not. John Stewart was right. They can drop Billions on dropping bombs on brown people but God Forbid we call this psycho a Racist Terrorist right? Why is that? Because the White Supremacy complex in America will never allow you to feel a White Man killing Black People is a terrorist act. The White Man has been killing Black People for centuries. They have already dehumanized us as a race long ago. That's why our deaths have been so horrific and are only get worst.

Black people we got some "Unlearning" to do also. They've made us hate our race, our culture and ourselves. A lot of blacks live with Self Hate that was giving to them from the trauma of living under White Supremacy.
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