It begins:

“You can’t judge a whole group by what this man has done.” - @WhoopiGoldberg on #CharlestonShooting
Whoopi This can't be defended anymore. You have constantly capped for White People since that Black Face trash with Ted Danson.
whoopi and people that say you cant judge the so called white race over this is tryna be slick...i aint judging that group over this alone...im judging it based on this..tamir..mike..eric..tray..and millions of black lives destroyed or ruined because the clear overwhelming majority of white people in the usa just sit back and watch or cheer when black people get treated like dirt...white people have the power to end white supremacy..fascism..colorism.."racism" but they dont have the heart to do it...it would be gone if they wanted it gone...they fukking love this shyt and that is why i will "judge" their group...
That manifesto is well written and ridiculously on point as to how I think the average white thinks about the average black.
Now if he would have just voiced his real feelings to the faces of his hate I would have respect for him, as without accountability and true representation of their fears, insecurities & prejudices, real progress on race can't be completed.
But yet, he proved to be the biggest coward of all. Afraid to show his hand in the real game of LIFE. And on top of it, he murdered people in the process.
And this is where we are in 2015. Me as a Black Man is not afraid of anyone, especially those who hate me. I just REFUSE to play by their rules to appease them when they are the one's who are afraid and cowardly.
Ridiculous times we are in, but its needed brehs. Change is happening. As tragic as this sounds, events like this prove it.
Jeb Bush and Rick Perry pretty much resigned to the fact that they won't get the black vote anyway considering their party and political stances so they can dance around the truth of the matter and not lose the support from the demographic they are targeting...CACS!These coward ass cac politicians like Jeb Bush are to afraid to say this was a hate crime.
They asked 3 different politicians that simple ass question & they go "uhh well uhh it was a tragedy & we're praying for the families of the victim" or "well you just take a look at all the facts reported and answer that for yourself"
How much of a fukking p*ssy ass bytch coward not to say yes it was a hate crime or yes it was racially motivated
Right, and You can pray and still act. No need to bash one to bring the other up.All the people that bash prayer have not did one thing yet.
I don't know how he didn't get more bad publicity for this in the first place. I've always thought Kanye was a c00n and wanted to be white.
I just watched the interview on BBC and I think we need to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. Although Roof is racist and more, I genuinely think this guy is still in shock
I've also had a killer in my house on my birthday around kids and family and wouldn't expect them to take a shotgun to someone's head.
I just watched the interview on BBC and I think we need to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. Although Roof is racist and more, I genuinely think this guy is still in shock
I've also had a killer in my house on my birthday around kids and family and wouldn't expect them to take a shotgun to someone's head.