Police Respond to Shooting at Charleston, South Carolina Church - Update: Captured


Aug 29, 2014
The fact of the matter is, they are the ones who lost loved ones. Who are we to tell them how to feel or whether to forgive or not? The Bible they read and believe tells them to forgive. Do y'all want to control their beliefs?
I know its disrespectful. Its rooted in racist rhetoric. I'm gonna leave it alone for now.

Everytime this type thing happens black people come out the woodwork to find something at fault with the black community.

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
any updates tho? its been more than a year right

Yup and he's still sitting in jail. I think I might have read last month that they're preparing to try him sometime this summer. Kill 12 people and wound 70 more just to be non-violently arrested and chill in jail brehs. And I don't think he's in gen pop either.

white privilege must be nice
Jun 8, 2012
@Canadadry you need to calm down and reenter this thread on another tip. It seems like you're so caught up in emotion that you're not even making sense anymore. No offense, I see you as a good poster but getting in threads like these just to go back and forth with people is just not good for the spirit.
Dre. ‏@Blueraydre 34m34 minutes ago
No Blk shooter in history has ever gotten sympathy for his family from a judge. Don't tell me white privilege doesn't exist

Did people see this video? A JUDGE. Saying that. I'm telling you, It's the Matrix, It's the Twilight Zone. I make those movie analogies cause you have to be crazy to think what's going on is normal? And Black people have had to live with these psychos for how long now? They really want us to think we are crazy but it's them. They are the crazy ones. Their racism runs so deep it's in their very core being.
It's like an M. Night Shamalyan movie.

But about our lives and existence in it thing called "America"...where the good guys are actually the bad guys (them) and the bad guys (us) are actually the good guys.
Rachel Dolezal is the modern day Linda Taylor (Welfare Queen) and the South Carolina Church shooting is the modern day 1963 Birmingham Church Bombing.. So are these distraction of bigger plot; or are these desensitizations to confuse you from what's right in front of you...?

I'm convinced Rachel Dolezal is an agent and a manipulator. All this happening at this time is just beyond coicidence.

And I agree with everyone else that says that this was orchestrated hit on that senator...I don't believe that was just random.


May 16, 2012
How is the community too forgiving? Just becuase they are on television and say it in a press conference? :what:
I for one do not believe those people forgave that man. You all gotta be some kinda naive to think they would forgive that fast. As if black people are not human and go through emotions like a damn dog.

Ya'll are conditioned to think this way. Me too. It's just the reality of situation. It's not healthy.

Do white people go on TV and say they forgive Osama for 9/11? Do the families of those dudes decapitated by ISIS go on TV and forgive them? Do palestenians forgive israel for all the atrocities they commit daily? To even entertain that mentality when you are living under the opression of a people who dont give a damn about your life and perform terrorist acts at will that get minimized by the media and those in power is nothing but weakness.


Aug 29, 2014
@Canadadry you need to calm down and reenter this thread on another tip. It seems like you're so caught up in emotion that you're not even making sense anymore. No offense, I see you as a good poster but getting in threads like these just to go back and forth with people is just not good for the spirit.

It's like an M. Night Shamalyan movie.

But about our lives and existence in it thing called "America"...where the good guys are actually the bad guys (them) and the bad guys (us) are actually the good guys.

I'm convinced Rachel Dolezal is an agent and a manipulator. All this happening at this time is just beyond coicidence.

And I agree with everyone else that says that this was orchestrated hit on that senator...I don't believe that was just random.

I am calm. But i am standing firmly in my beliefs that a lot of the victim bashing is rooted in white supermacy conditioning.

I feel like its something that we as a community do not want to confront and that we ourselves don't even see the value in black life on a sub conscience level. But i'm leaving it alone for now.


KPJ Gonna Save Us
Mar 31, 2015
And I agree with everyone else that says that this was orchestrated hit on that senator...I don't believe that was just random.

Has anything else come to light on this? I think it is a very probable scenario especially with his demeanor and the circumstances of him sitting in there for an hour.

I would imagine the roommate will be cross examined but I doubt he would give up any info about a conspiracy especially if he was involved, which is very likely tbh.


May 2, 2012
I am calm. But i am standing firmly in my beliefs that a lot of the victim bashing is rooted in white supermacy conditioning.

I feel like its something that we as a community do not want to confront and that we ourselves don't even see the value in black life on a sub conscience level. But i'm leaving it alone for now.

i can agree with that, i see a few posters trying to dig up random blacks like kanye to attack. but a lot of us are just angry with how quick blacks are to forgive whites. it's not victim blaming, its calling a spade a spade.
Jun 8, 2012
I am calm. But i am standing firmly in my beliefs that a lot of the victim bashing is rooted in white supermacy conditioning.

I feel like its something that we as a community do not want to confront and that we ourselves don't even see the value in black life on a sub conscience level. But i'm leaving it alone for now.
I feel ya...I agree.

Personally I'm out of this thread for the day...too much negativity and sadness to absorb. Need to absorb some positive vibes and hope for some rationality and semblance of humanity to surface amongst sane individuals.


Jul 5, 2012
Do white people go on TV and say they forgive Osama for 9/11? Do the families of those dudes decapitated by ISIS go on TV and forgive them? Do palestenians forgive israel for all the atrocities they commit daily? To even entertain that mentality when you are living under the opression of a people who dont give a damn about your life and perform terrorist acts at will that get minimized by the media and those in power is nothing but weakness.

sheeeeiiit...america would kill a suspected muslim terrorist and his entire family with him...america would blow up one suspected terrorist and wait for someone to come clear the carnage off the road and blow them up too...


May 16, 2012
Brought this from another site... WOW! Kind of long read but definitely worth it.

A country artist by the name of Jonathan Byrd posted this message on his FB page and I am super emotional after reading this:


If the massacre in Charleston- or any number of similar events in recent U.S. history- had been committed by a foreign invader, we would go to war. How many billions will we spend fighting the terrorist organization known as institutionalized racism? How many American lives are we willing to risk to protect America?

I hear you out there saying, "But it's not an institution. There are no leaders. There's no one to attack."
Yes there is. You want to flush them out? Here's how to do it: Take down the confederate flag. Take it down on national television. Take it down for an hour. A day, if you can stand it. A week would be nice. I don't want to talk about whether it's right or wrong. It's the least we could do, a gesture that would mean more than words.

Then watch the organization reveal itself. The leaders would be obvious immediately. They would in fact be invited to speak on the nightly news. You might be surprised to find out that they already sit behind the news desk. They are in some of our nation's highest offices. They are on the school board. They will not have enough humility to sit on their hands, not even for ten minutes. Their supporters may even show up in the comments on this status, threatened enough by the mere idea of a humble gesture to their sworn enemy. I hope they do.

Every day and night, my news feed is full of vicious attacks on conservatives and liberals, socialists and capitalists. Where are the vicious attacks on the racists? Conservatives, liberals, socialists and capitalists all have useful ideas and contribute to our society. Racists have no good ideas. Where is the relentless campaign against them? Who will threaten to move out of the country if the racists are elected? Who will run on an anti-racist platform?

No one. That is the extent to which the terrorists have infiltrated America. They founded it. We live in a terrorist state.

I say that because I can't feel it. I say that because when I get pulled over by the police, it doesn't even cross my mind that they might kill me if I argue with them. I say that because I own a house in an entirely white neighborhood and I play loud music and I have a dead car in my driveway and my kid runs around naked and I never worry about what my neighbors think about me. I say that because I'm always surprised when I look out into my audience from the stage and see a black face, but I don't even notice the absence when I look out on a sea of white faces. I say it because when I see the confederate flag, all I think is, "I'm home." The flag doesn't bother me at all, not in my gut, not in my deeper psyche. Sometimes when I'm far from home and I see the rebel flag, it's actually... and this is so terrible I need to take a breath before I type it... comforting. What can I say? It's hard to see a problem when it signs your paycheck.

So I say it to remind myself: we live in a terrorist state that doesn't threaten me. It threatens the descendants of the people who built Charleston and made it the richest city in the South, one of the most tolerant cities in the colonies, a society that prided itself on its religious and ethnic diversity- which was indeed notable for its day- all the while keeping the healthiest slave market in the world and firing the first shots of the Civil War because, as outlined in the South Carolina Declaration of Secession, "they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States. They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes; and those who remain, have been incited by emissaries, books and pictures to servile insurrection."
It's time to disturb the peace again. Here's a more recent declaration:
"Take down the flag. Take it down now.
Put it in a museum. Inscribe beneath it the years 1861-2015. Move forward. Abandon this charlatanism. Drive out this cult of death and chains. Save your lovely souls. Move forward. Do it now." - Ta-Nahisi Coates
It doesn't threaten your heritage. You take off your hat for a lady. You clean the shyt off your boots before you walk into a church. It's just a matter of respect. Admit that your perspective might feel right and be wrong. Take it down, South Carolina. Just for today. A few days if you can stand it. Then put it back up if you must. I know how it is. I feel the pressure not to say anything, not to get involved. Who am I? I'm just a singer with no Grammies or gold records. I should be happy with what I have and not roil the waters.

I may reach ten thousand people with this post. Maybe thirty thousand. And there just may be one of my fans who is outraged, one guy who can't humble himself enough to hear anyone else's truth without getting red in the face and typing his opinion against me. One guy who will never come to another Jonathan Byrd show. Or maybe there are five. Or ten.

But you know what? fukk that guy. fukk all those guys. Let them hang their rebel flags from their prefab sheds where they hide their liquor and their porn from their wives. We don't owe them anything. We don't owe the past anything. We owe the future everything. Take it down.

I know you won't. But I hope I'm wrong just like I didn't think we'd ever elect a black president. Step into the future. Take it down.

Damn....aint it crazy how some no name country singer can speak all this truth yet those who can really have an impact feel like they have to keep quiet for fear of reprocussions. Thats the society we live in. Regardless this is some good shyt


Aug 29, 2014
At this point I don't even know what you're talking about :mjlol:
The moral is quit trying to impress white people. You're so worried about being seen as "weak" in their eyes that you don't even care about well being of the black families in the situation.

You know what i'm talking about so stop pretending like you don't understand.