Another good point. In the example from the article of that cop in Louisiana the cop got fired but because someone failed to turn in his lie detector results the case was thrown out, he was re-hired, the department had to issue back pay, and the woman received a $400,000 settlement all out of the taxpayers pockets and this clown is still on the job.
Thats another reason no one cares because cops know all those payouts come out of our pockets, not theirs. They actually laugh about this kind of shyt. Taking our money to pay their salary, then laughing when we have to fit the bill for their fukk ups.
They think if they arent as prominent and heavy handed, the city will descend into chaos.
Yea, if you disarm all the citizens.
Thats how you know when a drug cartel is in bed with the government. When criminals have free reign over an unarmed populace.