Then they get divorced and she owns half of Pump Chasers and his Youtube money #GMB![]()
She'd be more entitled to half than Vince was.

Then they get divorced and she owns half of Pump Chasers and his Youtube money #GMB![]()
She'd be more entitled to half than Vince was.![]()
That's some real talk.
Which is why I'm alwayswhen I see chicks get on that "Ride or die" shyt with "aspiring" rappers.etc..etc.
I see chicks from around my way working their lil call center jobs, getting overtime, trying to "hold their nicca down".
While a guy might appreciate it, somewhere in the back of his mind, he might see you as a low value chick.A mere worker bee, not a queen.The chick he could get at his lowest/most broke.
Soon as his status spikes upward, it just magnifies.The fairytale is uncovered and you're sitting there looking like a pack of Ramen noodles to him.You were quite delicious and helped sustain while he was broke, but now his taste buds are lil more epic.
Thanks, but uh, peace!!
Now there's some exceptions, but I'm just saying...........
. This is the second time I've read something like this on The Coli.
Wow, when and why did he and Denise break up? I unsubbed from him months ago. But ya know, some advice I got a while ago was not to be with a guy when he's down and out and be trying to build with him. You busy trying to be a ride or die but men have big egos. Sometimes it hurts them knowing that you saw them at their worst. You saw them when they we're broke, couldn't pay bills, no job. Some men will appreciate it but many hate it. So they will drop you when they get big and get another chick who only knows him at his best. This is just advice that I've been told so idk. But the actions of many male celebs started making sense after I was told that... Just rambling
That's some real talk.
Which is why I'm alwayswhen I see chicks get on that "Ride or die" shyt with "aspiring" rappers.etc..etc.
I see chicks from around my way working their lil call center jobs, getting overtime, trying to "hold their nicca down".
While a guy might appreciate it, somewhere in the back of his mind, he might see you as a low value chick.A mere worker bee, not a queen.The chick he could get at his lowest/most broke.
Soon as his status spikes upward, it just magnifies.The fairytale is uncovered and you're sitting there looking like a pack of Ramen noodles to him.You were quite delicious and helped sustain while he was broke, but now his taste buds are lil more epic.
Thanks, but uh, peace!!
Now there's some exceptions, but I'm just saying...........
Jaron's crib
You can live big in TX....Nicca mortgage probably no more 1200 bucks