LA has no get money or hustle culture like that

They’ve always been more known for robbing and killing than anything else. Their biggest gangsters weren’t get money guys; they were strong arm robbers and small time crooks like Tookie Williams.
LA is full of grown men who don’t work and just sit around all day. Baby Boy, Menace 2 Society and Boyz in the Hood was art imitating life.
I remember Corey Holcomb talking about moving to LA was the first time he saw a bunch of grown men just at the park all day

not even trying to get any money. PNB got set up by 40+ year old men with no job. Too lazy to even try and sell dope.
There’s wolves, killers, and robbers in New York but there’s just a different type of hustle, mindset and spirit. If you’re looking for the BS you’ll find it, but for the most part if you’re just minding your business then people just keep it moving.