LOL, The League of Drake Defenders are working overtime. That Reference Tracks Ether is burning badly. Now Meek needed QM? The Same QM that has been exposed as Drake's official Ghostwriter, LOL. I deal with Evidence, I deal with facts. QM = DRAKE GHOSTWRITER = FACT. Lets talk about the 6 QM Drake Reference Tracks, 4 of which were already released.
6 Reference Tracks > Chick trying to get attention from social media
Notice, weither it be Rappers, Corporations or randon chicks. Not one of them are mentioning the Reference Tracks cause that Ether is just burning away. Notice they all said "QM WAS CREDITED" that all you read but that R.I.C.O. ether got them all quiet. Where was QM Credit on RICO? Why is Drake giving himself credit for a song he didn't write? Inquring minds would like to know?