Hong Kong PSN+ users got access to this beta yesterday. I copped since I couldn't wait.
US+ users should get it early August next week the earliest.
Now on to the details....
Btw this beta is online so it's a 4 player FFA gametype with 6 characters and 4 stages like when it was revealed.
Idk if other fighting games have been like this but the online is virtually lag free no kidding. There was no button delay or slowdown at all! I forgot I was even playing online!!
Gameplay doesn't feel nothing like smash brothers. You might think that because it looks like it but it controls differently. It feels sort of like street fighter/tekken mixed with some aspects of smash bros.
The combos play a good part and you need to know your moves to execute them.
Supers are easily avoided if you know what your doing and the gameplay is hectic and sometimes I can't even see whats going on due to the chaos. 1 V 1 will be crazy in this game I can feel.
My favorite characters so far is Kratos, parappa and Sly.
I commend superbot because each character feels DIFFERENT from each other and it actually works. Radec is mostly a shooter so he has basically no short range moves. He has grenades, shotguns, flame throwers and electric guns from Killzone so to speak. You can connect different moves together sort of like Street fighter.
The super only kill system is nothing to worry about. It takes a lot of time to gain a level 3 super and pulling off the first or second level super requires good timing. You can't just spam supers and win. You NEED to know your characters. It really feels like another game and not smash brothers. When you play it you'll see.
I'm having a ton of fun with this online beta and online works too freaking smooth something that BRAWL didn't do right.
My complaints are already being looked at as one of the devs(clockwork?) mentioned they'll be polishing and updating the sound effects, visuals and everything else before launch. My main concern was the game wasn't meaty enough when fighting and everything sounded dull but they already acknowledged that and are said to be hard at work on that. Besides that this game is first day cop.
I repeat, don't come in thinking it's gonna be a smash rip off because you'll walk away surprised. A lot of people on Neogaf are extremely pleased with the game.