Barely-Known Member
You can hire a lawyer,take your chances with the judge. Or you can go over their head and gather their bosses,Benjamin Franklin. Who also happens to be the boss of todays woman.
I guarantee your childs mother will respect you more if you make this offer,than taking her to court and begging the white judge for assistance like hes king Solomon.
Just tell her "I believe youve done too much as it is,pushing our child out,raising it. Now its my turn,children in todays time need a strong man in their life and i would like to be the primary guardian if youll allow it. Im going to give you 10k to set you up and make sure your good,you can still claim the kids and get govt assistance,tax refunds etc. If you need a little more than 10k to be comfortable let me know,i can probably swing it. I just need you in a safe place and good head space so you can be there for our kid babygirl"
You can give the baby moms as much money as you want. Without a legal court order for custody and/or visitation she can use that money you paid her to buy a new whip she will then use to come to your crib to grab the child right back with an optional side man in the passenger seat.