Yeah i can never take you seriously after this post .
You really trynna julz your way into being called an Egyptian descendant huh?
Very dark skin is rare????? Wtf?Have you ever been outside your country a day in your life? Yeah its clear that you dont know much about black African countries, thats why you are so hung up about calling these mix-breed egyptians black.
So now we just gonna ignore that Americans look the way they look because of admixing with cacs and native indians huh?
Stop twisting what I said. I didn't say we don't have dark skin. I said we don't have BLACK skin. There's a difference.
Black skin is impossible.
You just think that statement is crazy because you don't even know what "black" is. How many people have you seen where their skin color is the same color as their hair? Because if we actually did have "black" skin, then there would be no difference in hair color and skin color. But obviously every so-called black person has a much darker hair color than their skin tone. Our skin is naturally brown. Our hair is naturally black. Almost no so-called black person is one uniform color from hair to skin.
That is why I said its a lie that we are called black. We don't have black skin. We have brown skin. And it ranges from very light brown to the reddish brown of the Ancient Egyptians to a more darker brown. Only brown. No such thing as "black".