I take it you hang around mostly whIte folks. Am I wrong?
hes clearly one of the good onesI take it you hang around mostly whIte folks. Am I wrong?
So you hang around mostly all white folks. Cool. Nothing wrong with that. Just wanted to know if my speculation was correct.My logic is sound admit it.
hes clearly one of the good ones
anyone who understands english know what those mothafukkas mean when they talk poetically about the good ole days or patriotism.
i dont know, but that sounds like a reasonable assumptionam I wrong or is breitbart not the guy who died doing cocaine?
you have whites who couldnt do their flight, and theyre whites who although they aren't surrounded by minorities, still hold that resentment it. its hysterical coaxing them into their hysteria. I pretend that im dead and lure them into obamacare, then get them open with the affordable care act.code words. the same when it comes to "family values," "tradition," "liberty," "government spending," and so on. they deliberately couch their motivations in wording that evokes a certain spirit of American patriotism, because who can go against the flag of all things? i mean, we're all americans, right? white supremacists, around the times of the 70s, went underground and began infiltrating certain pockets of legitimate politics. this is the result, when people like sarah palin and ted cruz - whose father is a white supremacist - are taken seriously.
I'd take a true enemy over a fake friend(white democrats) any day.
This is the response I would expect from a 15+ year white troll on predominantly-black message boards who gradually morphed from a white supremacist troll to a "conservative" troll.So we are supposed to be outraged because a conservative blogger who died three years ago unknowingly took two photos with white supremacists?????
Anything to distract from this failure of a president................
How many low level white nationalists are going out of their way to handshake and take pics with obama?Just because they have taken pictures with racist. doesn't necessarily mean that Brietbart and O'keefe are racists. I have taken pictures with a lot of important people, and I have fairly radical and controversial views about the world. That doesn't mean that the people I have taken pictures with share my viewpoints. It's just more sensationalism from the News Media.
Nationalism is intertwined with Conservatism in America (it's not like that in other countries).
In my experience dealing with political circles, I have met Conservatives who were clearly white supremacists, and I have heard a lot of racist remarks too. That's just the way it is.
Conservatives are just more real about things.
I have worked with Democrats too in political organizations. It's not like they are any less racist than conservatives. They just put of this bullshyt front that anyone functioning eyeballs can see past. I work in San Francisco (I don't live there), and I have never seen a place with such an obvious racial hierarchy in my life. And it is serous racially segregated in the Bay Area. It's not as bad in the more conservative parts of California. Moreover, Democrats harbor all the blacks and black people are FAR more racist and discriminatory than white people. So what ever bullshyt Democrats say about race, their actions and their territories (Bay Area etc.) say more about their racial attitudes than some stupid picture.