The AMD Jaguar Family 16h is a low-power SoC microarchitecture designed by AMD, succeeding the Bobcat Family microarchitecture in 2013 and being succeeded by AMD'sPuma architecture in 2014. It is two-way superscalar and capable of out of order execution. It forms the basis for AMD's Semi-Custom Business Unit and four product families: Kabiniaimed at notebooks and mini PCs, Temash aimed at tablets, Kyoto aimed at micro-servers, and the G-Series aimed at embedded applications. Both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox Oneuse chips based on the Jaguar microarchitecture.
I still don't see why you guys don't believe this will happen, just look at what's powering the two current gen consoles right now.
So yall are saying phones and tablets in 1-2 years won't be on par with something from 4 years ago that was used for tablets, notebooks, and mini pcs
I am guessing nvidia will start to offer it on a shield tablet rather one is saying that.
Of course I believe phones will have that kind of power....the issue is how long your phone gonna last battery wise running that shyt.
Well people were I'm not quoting the whole thread one is saying that.
Of course I believe phones will have that kind of power....the issue is how long your phone gonna last battery wise running that shyt.
it'll probably last longer than the Sega Game Gearno one is saying that.
Of course I believe phones will have that kind of power....the issue is how long your phone gonna last battery wise running that shyt.
well has it caught up yet?Bump
well has it caught up yet?