if the forum had open registration and new people regular joining who aren't familiar with his posting, then maybe.
but everyone here knows the deal. just put his ass on ignore if he bothers you that much, or scroll past his posts. it's not that hard.
at least he said he doesn't believe in viruses. there's posters here who acknowledge the virus is real and still promoting acting recklessly because looking out for others hurts their murican freedom
1. he doesn't argue in good faith - intentionally or not
2. he finds things difficult to understand which leads to too many non-sequiturs and weak arguments.
the following is not discussion, is not amusing and serves only to disrupt.
#coli disruption is entertaining sometimes but this is just "troll" and sub-standard "troll" at that.

it's not just about him. other infiltrators and trouble-makers seize on the trolling and amplify it. they know he is talking crap but they fan the flames of that nonsense to cause further disruption.
it is what it is

they claim that they want to debate BUT they will never actually debate anyone in a controlled setting. we already know that
arguing in bad faith is antithetical to the very purpose of a discussion board and when too many do it, it weakens rather than strengthens the discourse .