Being the best tag team in ecw history > never being ecw champion
Stealing the show in multiple ppvs and being the most over tag team in wwe for 3 yrs >
Being florida graveyard champ > not being florida graveyard champ
I LIKE rvd way more
But bubba had way more success. He is the most decorated individual in tag team history.
They were never ECW champs either..Still TV Title>>>>>Tag Titles
Most over no? They didn't steal the show. Edge, Christian, Jeff and Matt did. They were there to put people through tables...that's it. They never had an over tag title run and in their later years they got so boring no one gave a damn about them fueding with Taker while they had Heyman as their mouth piece. Edge, Christian, Matt, Jeff, hell even Los Guerreros were more over than the Dudley's fact.
They're like the Jay Z of the tag team world...only over because they just so happened to take the spot that the greats left behind and no
Being some Florida graveyard champ = Not being a Florida graveyard champ