watching that fight was one of the last memories I have of my eldest brother and i altogether with family. my father had already abandoned us, and i remember all of us, we all watched it together. i could care less of the result, its one of the few moments i have of remembering "family" time.
i often think of it, just the other day, i sat in a small tiny trailer where my girlfriend and mother of my child reside. We eat dinner at a small table, the size of the trailer is VERY small. But as a PBC fight came on, my son sits next to me, my girlfriend gets on her ipad and watches "girls" on her headphones. I realize while we dont live together (i live in oakland and were saving to move in, she lives 80 miles away) these moments are critical to the mind.
The thing is about that fight for alot of us on here, we were so young, so its a memory chided in nintendo and sega cartridges, school gossip and "did you see that"
And i realize. Yes i did see it. With my brother, my mother, my other brother, my sisters. Ill never forget it.