They’re maxed out.Why wouldn't you just put it on a credit card
401K loans for concert tickets ain’t the move or normal at all.People have always taken out loans for things they've wanted dearly
Of course thecoli gonna make fun of regular human behavior
2k for stadium tix where you wont even be able to make out beyonce and staring at jumbo screen is WILD.. Maybe if you sitting front row but even that is alot for most people.. But they can do what they want with their moneyI won't shame them
we did have a life changing event and some people probably don't want to miss out on things now
the tickets can't be that expensive probably like 2k at most so it's not that bad to dip into your 401k if you want to do that
I wouldn't do it personally though
People have always taken out loans for things they've wanted dearly
Of course thecoli gonna make fun of regular human behavior
401K loans for concert tickets ain’t the move or normal at all.
Loans should only be used for mortgages cars and school IMO.
and weavesThese broads did the same for bbls..
Passport Bros spent they own money.
That's business. If people are stupid enough to pay then why not.Beyonce charging $600 for the nosebleed cheap seats at the very top of the stadium is just insane.
For some who "loves" their fans that's just not right IMO