People are avoiding L.A. nightclubs


World Class SuperVillain
Feb 22, 2014
So I just wasted my time listening to this and he barely talked about night clubs. Seems like he's complaining about how expensive LA is.
That's not what it is, look beyond he's talking about the LA nightlife scene as a whole. Money is dying some big turnover is coming
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World Class SuperVillain
Feb 22, 2014
This cac is at least 50 years old, he looks tired and uncool as shyt. If I was a cool young person I would not want to be at the same club as him. What I’m saying is he’s probably not the right person to gauge the nightlife temp, ole :flabbynsick: head ass cac:camby:
He's probably not wrong though, I've consistently been hearing this from people for the last 3 yrs now especially after covid hit


Mar 11, 2022
LA is fukin dope. I hope he’s exaggerating bc I gotta to go back. :russ:Long story…

Went like 5 years ago was staying at a party hostel in West Hollywood. Nothing but foreigners. They had a lil party shuttle to a club. I chat up 2 chicks I saw from the hostel and next thing you know my black ass is in there with 2 blonde Ukrainian bytches. :shaq:

LA clubs close early af like at like 1 and outside there’s sketchy ass drivers offering to take you to the after hours downtown. I’m thinking cool downtown probably up the street we’ll hit a bar then Im gon get a 1v2 :lolbron: Wrong…Wrong. I had no idea LA’s downtown is far and it’s a fukking shythole. The streets were literally deserted I thought I was being set up. But we pull up and just like tv it’s a hole in the wall outside, but full ass lounge/club/pool hall inside. It’s dark, it’s smelly, I go in the bathroom people doing lines :picard:

Then what really put me on high alert was I see Miles from Moesha. Ngga is that…is that Marcus Paulk. Yea it was, but he was not smiling and giggling that ngga was on demon time. Everybody was. And here I am overdressed with a blazer on and 2 white bytches I felt like FOOD.

Long story short the 2 girls were trying to do coke and made some shady friends (dudes) at a table and I had to let them walk. ‘Come hang with us’. Nah shyt was giving weird vibes. So I take my L but realize my phone is dead. So I’m in the middle of downtown LA 45 minutes from my spot with no phone. I had to swallow my pride pause and get them chicks to get me a Uber. I weaseled over to that dark coke infused table I felt like a lame :bryan: They doin lines zooted af I’m over here ‘eh excuse me, Ursula, can you call that Uber now’. Never happened them chicks disappeared. Club broke out at like 4. I had to wander around until 5:30 until this diner opened I called a cab and got home.
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Mar 11, 2022
LA is fukin dope. I hope he’s exaggerating bc I gotta to go back. :russ:Long story…

Went like 5 years ago was staying at a party hostel in West Hollywood. Nothing but foreigners. They had a lil party shuttle to a club. I chat up 2 chicks I saw from the hostel and next thing you know my black ass is in there with 2 blonde Ukrainian bytches. :shaq:

LA clubs close early af like at like 1 and outside there’s sketchy ass drivers offering to take you to the after hours downtown. I’m thinking cool downtown probably up the street we’ll hit a bar then Im gon get a 1v2 :lolbron: Wrong…Wrong. I had no idea LA’s downtown is far and it’s a fukking shythole. The streets were literally deserted I thought I was being set up. But we pull up and just like tv it’s a hole in the wall outside, but full ass lounge/club/pool hall inside. It’s dark, it’s smelly, I go in the bathroom people doing lines :picard:

Then what really put me on high alert was I see Miles from Moesha. Ngga is that…is that Marcus Paulk. Yea it was, but he was not smiling and giggling that ngga was on demon time. Everybody was. And here I am overdressed with a blazer on and 2 white bytches I felt like FOOD.

Long story short the 2 girls were trying to do coke and made some shady friends at a table and I had to let them walk. ‘Come hang with us’. Nah shyt was giving weird vibes. So I take my L but realize my phone is dead. So I’m in the middle of downtown LA 45 minutes from my spot with no phone. I had to swallow my pride pause and get them chicks to get me a Uber. I weaseled over to that dark coke infused table I felt like a lame :bryan: They doin lines zooted af I’m over here ‘eh excuse me, Ursula, can you call that Uber now’. Never happened them chicks disappeared. Club broke out at like 4. I had to wander around until 5:30 until this diner opened I called a cab and got home.
Compelling story, had me reading line for line like:lupe:......:pachaha: