First five comments:
"Wtf so quick to pass judgment where they been all these years so quick to convict someone and not a soul has proof yet let's Michael Jackson multi millionaire accused of rape bill Cosby billionaire accused of rape this is that bullshyt that kills a legends name for someone's scheme to get rich and prosper off of his achievements in life WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO"
"Dude is 77..what kind of comeback do you think was thwarted? This is character assassination at the highest..."
"Black people! Has "Bill Cosby's " back, its those ******s he was talking about, thats taking him down. Fools who can't see the strategies and games whites been playing with black people for years, during slavery if a slave could read , he or she was either be wiped maybe hung , moved in a white neighborhood they got the cross, started a good job was challenged, Was a success or a threat , white folks would hurt black folk some kind of way. Play you against your own, maybe even take something, you care about away from you. Make your woman a success , just to break your spirit. Black today don't see that, people like Bill Cosby and other fought so we can have it better then they did .Some blacks are just too blind to see . Your success today is black people blood, pain ,sweat and tears, yesterday. We are free , the world has changed, we have opportunity but there is still more to know and learn."
"All I got to say is remember Michael Jackson people..although he was acquitted TWICE we still crucify him. Did you even know after he died many of his accusers ADMITTED to lying? Wake up people, this is character assassination to bring down another black iconic figure..if you don't believe me about the lies on Michael, see this article below...and don't give me that Bill Cosby hates black folks does calling out foolishness make you hate being black? He did more for black people than many.. put out the FIRST all black cartoon, showed the first black television family that were not poor and where college educated. Produced a tv show based on historically black colleges, but because he said the foolishness that we do like on Worldstar Hip Hop and on these reality shows is our fault not whites? Get the hell out of here with that mess...Here is the article on Michael Jackson"
"It's all part of the game. And when you want out. It's either we drag your name through the mud or it's death. This all is some BS. You mean to tell me these old bytches wait 30 years then wanna come forward with it??? BS!"
told y'all Bill getting that love from the streets
we got you brother, just keep your head up