"Patriot Act" with Hasan Minhaj Thread

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
And if you brehs read the article, he basically shytted on and lied about that woman who supposedly turned down a date with him.

I read the article and the video both, and I can't see any point where he "shytted on" her or "lied about" her.

When was he shytting on her? Where was the lie? The only fact he changed was that her mom rejected him for being Brown a few days before prom, rather than on the day of prom.

Edit: He also didn't address any of the workplace stuff in the video.

There was an out-of-court settlement for the workplace stuff, so it's possible he's not even allowed to address it.

I tried to read 3-4 articles about it and most of the allegations are pretty vague, but the main point seems to be that Hassan was accused of having a controlling workplace where he got the final word on everything and was dismissive of his lower-level employees, often not taking their suggestions into account or not wanting them in the brainstorming sessions while he developed material. Many of those lower-level employees were women of color, and they interpreted his mistreatement of them to be related to their gender because some of the higher-level management positions who they percieved Hassan taking more seriously were staffed by men.

So it's possible that he's a dikk at work, and it's possible that he doesn't take women's opinons as seriously as he takes men's opinions, but it's hard to see what he could clarify by talking about it. If he feels the women were right and he needs to apologize to them, he should do so, but if he disagrees with their interpretation of events then there's really nothing to add by talking about it, it would just make it worse for both sides.