Dilltastic VolWon(derful)
All Star
Been out of town all this week. Anybody know how long the virus can even remain alive for once it's airborne?
Did he know he had Ebola when he was fukking around in ny?
Well did he?
People who have this shyt and go out in public should be charged like people who have hiv and be having unprotected sex
Quarantine these sick b*stards and sentence them to life for potentially inciting an epidemic and let them die
Well did he?
They dont have tests that can detect it in your blood before you start showing symptons?The problem with ebola is they don't know they have until they KNOW they have it. Symptoms can take a couple weeks to show
I guess I'll see y'all next lifetime... :badu:
watch only neighborhoods like Crown Heights and Laurelton being affectedMaybe they can use this to further gentrify new york city.