posting scans of my channels even though i said posted a screenshot of my cable bill

i alsomention i pay for hbo, showtime ,and ppvs that ppl on here have been over my spot to watch you say anything
you dont have sure i just said that..not sure why youre going into detail of something that i watch it on the bootleg roku...boxnation is not a US channel so why would i care about having it on my lineup? prolly pay more for a stream than i do for my hbo

..sound business decision there
can you tell me a haitian fighter who is in the hall of fame? because i can certainly tell you a nigerian fighter from my tribe who is in

..berto is a bum..stevenson and pascal have accomplished more..these cats have actually been on the top of their division or seen as the number one guy..something that eluded berto through his setups..berto isnt even on the same wavelength as kermit cintron.