Take It In Blood
The shyt is hilarious to me that people really believe Jesus is real
So he walked the earth
Has all power
Did miracles
Gave people healing power
Gave Moses the ability to part a whole damm sea
But can't even vist earth now just to say hello
nikka can't come down n heal a fever blister
But was raising nikkas from the dead before
Hes the creator of the universe and can simply speak anything into existence.
but he had to die for your sins
why not just accomplish that feat with one of the many tools at your disposal?
like speaking it into existence, well...because....u did it before.
why all the need for blood scarifies?
Whats the purpose of this stupid game and these stupid rules?
(theres actually a reason why, because Christianity comes from a long linage of previous mythologies, most of which had Gods that demanded human sacrifices, killing babies etc......the idea eventually evolved to the point where only one sacrifice was necessary and it was God himself.. the power of human imagination)
but fiction is not supposed to make 100 percent sense, It's like trying to figure out how Kyle Reese is younger than John Conner but is still somehow his father
if u put too much thought into that sh1t u can no longer enjoy it so I guess christians just tune that sh1t out and enjoy the show and sing some songs
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