Look, my point issss why go to third world countries or use any woman who is that poor? Why doesn't the fact that your (not you specifically) "conquest" is dirt poor and you're throwing her $30 shrivel your d*ck up? There is a big distinction between women who live in countries where prostitution is legalized and their basic needs are met and flying yourself out to Haiti or Vietnam and seeking
specifically those women out.
The best way I can explain it by a few stories.
First all I notice that unless you come with your family
everyone expects some strange on vacations. Chicks on vacation with the girls hook up with someone if they look good it's for free if they're fat it's usually for the fee.
True story, I was in Santo Domingo and I met this girl on Tinder we started hanging tough and I met up with some americans a couple who came mainly to trick off anyway I had homegirl meet us at this bar. And the homies complemented me on my taste. Then they started asking about her friends. Anyway I went home with homegirl and she showed me texts from her cousin even though she told them these were nice girls, One of the dudes hit her cousin with a
How Much? on text. Shorty told me that her har cousin said that since he came at her like that
She was gonna tax him.
I know for a fact that in Jamaica chicks play the personal tour guide game. I was in Jamaica chilling with friends of the family who lived in Philly. My Aunt's friend had a friend come through from Philly and he had a nice young slimmie with him. Turned out she was an accountant but she wasn't working or something. I don't think Tinder existed I think they met on
Tagged and chopped it up for a few weeks. She was from Portmore met hi at the airport in Kingston and they were on the way to Negril.
That would not be considered tricking because there's no this for that thing going on she is showing him around the only thing is the implied sharing of the bed. Usually what happens she a chick mentions that her baby's sick or something like that needs Taxi fare and he throws her all the local money he has to her which might be significant.
There's spots that are out of range for the average local women go there to meet western men (and if they're lucky get some western union from there western unions)
I remember I went to Margaritaville in Ochi the only reason a Jamaican person would go there is if they're having a show other than that they want to meet yankees. Some lightskinned was dancing with me and when I went back to my table kind of joined me without me asking her. My cousin said to me
Don't giver her any money she didn't say anything she ordered a couple of drinks and some ciggerettes and followed me back to my room. I literally gave her taxi fare and my number she kind of looked at me funny, but didn't say anything. Did I "exploit" her by not giving her any money?
To prove that hooking up overseas was expected one time I went to Jamaica on military business (can't go into detail about this) Army regulations state that unless you're at a certain rank you have to have a double room, we kind of got around that by having a two room suite anyway this married fat dude got drunk and something happened with the slimmy he was with, It sounded like a "taxi money situation" I know the girl I was with told me she had to go to Orocabassa (the next town over) Anyway the Female Commander showed up because of the commotion. I was "in charge" so I told the Officer that It was no problem she saw the two chicks the dude gave her money that she accepted and even I hustled my girl out and gave her extra just to cool the situation out.
The officer could've busted us, put us on restriction or whatever she didn't say anything, all she said later was "is the situation handled? Don't cause an international incident over here". I said "its no problem" and that was that. Both the chicks never asked for money and both of them got extra change to leave with out any problems. Who exploited who in that situation? And the Officer didn't blink when she saw the girls even though they didn't say "no fukking" they warned us against fraternization.