I wouldn't do the things 'passport bros's do even if I was desperate but the outrage is disingenuous. They don't truly care, it's all about controlling the actions of Black Men and controlling the image of us to other women.
Can't build a community when good, hardworking brehs are gaslighted and mocked at home and abroad regardless of what they do. So I understand why some brehs say fukk it, just go where they are wanted and are loud about it. If they were not 'passport bros' they would find another reason to call them toxic. I've been listening to a lot of BGS IBMOR and Dr T.Hasan Johnson recently and trying to find the essence behind our current malaise. I am beginning to think that people don't have a problem with the DOINGS of Black Men but the BEING of Black Men, regardless of what archetype of Black Manhood you fit into your are offending someone etc Thug, Suburb Brehs, Intellectual, Hotep, Nerd, Athlete, Conservative, Blue Collar, The Good Selfless breh etc I am naturally a cautious, reserved breh but increasingly developing a DGAF attitude to everything and I am becoming more militant in supporting other Black Men even if I don't agree with their actions. Just my take.