Bunchy Carter
I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
@Money Mase
You calling people 1488's and you have no proof. Should I make a thread calling you out on your evidence?

@Money Mase
You calling people 1488's and you have no proof. Should I make a thread calling you out on your evidence?
Believe in fake shootings, brehs. When internet clowns are emotional men in real life.
police still continue to be the biggest waste of tax payer dollars out there.
4 different cowards with guns and bulletproof vests who wouldn't protect a bunch of teenagers. fire all these losers already. all they want to attack is unarmed citizens.
Have you ever taken the time to peruse through that Facebook user at the bottom there's profile. Why are u reposting that garbage?
Easy to blame guns. The county and state failed through policies outlined in this thread
Also, Sheriff Israel should resign.
Whats the point of the west funding terrorist? Do you know the most terrorist attack happen in Africa?What is the point of this conspiracy? What are illuminati trying to do by killing 17 people and putting actors in front of the camera to call for gun control?
What does Blue Lives Matter have to say about this?
Have you ever taken the time to peruse through that Facebook user at the bottom there's profile. Why are u reposting that garbage?