Parkland, FL School Shooting Possibly Still Active

Aug 16, 2017
I'm waiting on the panel discussion on this

They can't even call each other out about all these damn overdoses. Even if you blame the pharma companies, who owns them? You won't see a white politician or journalist blaming their culture or parenting for these problems. The most they will do is blame politicsl affiliation. White folks on code 10,0000%. And if it ever does happen, watch then cry racism, while telling us we need to face our problems, and it's not racist if it's true. If the people with the most power, wealth, and resources can't fix their communities, how the hell can everyone else snap their fingers and fix theirs?

Killah Ray

Carolina hail to thee....
May 6, 2012
:rudy: This is suspect as hell fam cmon.

But this goes to show where most of these conspiracy theories come from - overzealous teens looking for web traffic and cyber clout

Eyewitness testimony is some of the flimsiest shyt there is.

And I'm supposed to believe some uppity cac was laughing that she was surprised the shooter wasn't the guy it was while shots were ringing like freedom bells? :rudy: fukk outta here...

Tin foil hat muhfukkas gonna ride with this though....

George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
R.I.P to the victims, as usual people are going to talk about this for a week but not do shyt about the problem:beli:

That's because nobody knows what to do about the sh!t and the country is too divided to put their heads together. Besides this is more of a culture problem that's so ingrained that it makes any so called "meaningful" legislation useless. I say "meaningful" because gun laws really don't have teeth when it comes to a lone wolf looking to do some major damage. Add that onto having a culture with a significant amount of people that place their "freedom" over their own children, it's a wrap. I mean it's a given they don't give a fukk about Black youth, or Latino youth.

But when a bunch of white kids die as was the case at Sandy Hook and maybe this shooting in Florida, and there is no general consensus due to partisanship, then you might as well just accept the reality of mass shootings just like potholes during winter. And the streets in my city look like a teenager with acne. Been like that for years during and AFTER winter and they haven't figured that out yet. More kids gonna die and that's just how it's gonna be. I'm just hoping it doesn't spread to Black youth. Keep that in the suburbs and with white youth. Got enough problems without needing that kind of ice to be perceived as cooler.