Yooo i’m DYING at the last few pages.
@Walt went the f u c k OFF lmao.
I enjoyed the finale for what it was. I don’t agree with every critique BUT I understand why this as a season finale was polarizing. There were a few plot holes that I think were brought on by lazy writing in spots but overall I wasn’t mad at it.
@dora_da_destroyer I don’t necessarily agree with the majority black characters being “good” as a problem. We’ve had a hundred years of cinema in which black people have been portrayed as the worst of human existence. A prestige show like this with not just a black male, but a black female protagonist leading the way being competent, intelligent, and heroic wouldn’t have even been possible in the 90’s let alone any earlier time. We have the great privilege of existing in a time where its not just Eddie Murphy, Denzel Washington, or Wesley Snipes who can be portrayed as masculine, capable, and bold enough to save the day. We have the privilege of seeing someone other than Whoopi Gold erg portray black women as efficient and skilled. This is something to take heart in, especially given the fact that this country literally just said HELL NO to a black woman taking the highest office in leadership in favor of a white convicted sex offender.