
I'm sorry i made a similar post without seeing this one. I knew him personally and was always amused by how he ended up on the coli as a meme. I never did but i was actually planning to tell him about the coli and show him. Besides football, he simply was a great man and broke barriers, as an african in France, from being a journalist, agent then club president. SAD DAY
Repose en paix tonton
Its only a matter of time my g. half the world will have had the virus at least once or lost someone they know to it, when its all said and doneDamn....I thought this was gonna be about a poster here. I don't think I could have handled that.
We're a small community. We don't have to be in that half. That's a lot of people.Its only a matter of time my g. half the world will have had the virus at least once or lost someone they know to it, when its all said and done