There is some truth to what she is saying though
no, there isn’t. there’s many professional gamers who play 10+ hours a day with girlfriends.
your average gamer has a girlfriend, kids, wife etc
i play games with a bunch of dudes who all have girls and or kids
what’s she saying has nothing to with video game, as she is using them as a scape goat to ignore the fact that many men use video games or any other hobby as personal time. as an escape. i was at the casino today and this old ass dude and i were talking and he says he hates going with his wife because he likes time away in his own little world, doesn’t have to hear her nag etc
also we live in a world now where many people are cynical, have so many things to entertain us that we can avoid going out of our way and wasting our time having shytty casual sex. plus, our society.. people don’t have as much time to sit around and be horny all day. americans are over working themselves, thus less energy or desire to want to fukk, etc etc
there’s many contributing factors, but to say some shyt like “video games are making men asexual and hate sex” is ridiculous
yes, people are more isolated than the other poster pointed out, but that’s not what she’s even really saying. she used video games as a scape goat to put out her shytty opinion because she’s not educated enough to take a step back and analyze society changing as a whole, and also because she’s washed up.. so she feels slighted and hurt and looking for one sole thing to blame.