Palestine Supporters Firebomb and Attacking Jews in New York

Mar 12, 2017
1. If you don't know it's a apartheid then you don't know and it's time for you to look into it or don't. Gaza is beach front Property...the Israelis always there is natural gas sitting there to be tapped in.

2. Afro-Palestinians aren't under 500 ..... Wiki isn't a good source and last time I checked a few years ago there were close to 2000. Then again...Israel has bombed them constantly it's hard to tell who is left. So you don't care for those 500 black people? Does that make their lives invalid?

3. Again Ukraine is its own country...doesnt matter about the other stuff.

1. Apartheid is two set of citizens who are treated differently with a racial system. Gaza can't be under apartheid even though the situation is terrible for the gazans, since there's no OTHER in Gaza. It's Palestinian citizens and foreign nationals in Gaza and the foreign nationals aren't citizens. Isreal gave up Gaza to placate the West and poison pill the Palestinian movement as Hamas has death to the Jews in their charter and absolution views for Palestine(they want it all like the Israeli's).

2. I care for my people, but they went to Palestine willingly under a colonial system(Ottomans), or were trafficked by Arabs as Slaves. I have sympathy to the slaves and wish they were free and out of Palestine - according to Kola Boof, Dinka people are enslaved and trafficked in Arab countries as labor.

3. I don't see people who don't understand Ukraine besides a slogan DEMAND that other people be for Ukraine or against Ukraine. Only in this conflict do you have both parties pushing heavily to support them as normal civilians. I have seen more messages about this conflict than any other conflict in the world.
Jun 24, 2012
1. Apartheid is two set of citizens who are treated differently with a racial system. Gaza can't be under apartheid even though the situation is terrible for the gazans, since there's no OTHER in Gaza. It's Palestinian citizens and foreign nationals in Gaza and the foreign nationals aren't citizens. Isreal gave up Gaza to placate the West and poison pill the Palestinian movement as Hamas has death to the Jews in their charter and absolution views for Palestine(they want it all like the Israeli's).

2. I care for my people, but they went to Palestine willingly under a colonial system(Ottomans), or were trafficked by Arabs as Slaves. I have sympathy to the slaves and wish they were free and out of Palestine - according to Kola Boof, Dinka people are enslaved and trafficked in Arab countries as labor.

3. I don't see people who don't understand Ukraine besides a slogan DEMAND that other people be for Ukraine or against Ukraine. Only in this conflict do you have both parties pushing heavily to support them as normal civilians. I have seen more messages about this conflict than any other conflict in the world.

1. If it falls in the category of Apartheid, South Africans label it the same...why is it different to your standards. I don't think you know what's going on to comment on it. Hamas isn't helping them and has ties to Israel govt.

2. What are you talking about...? Those Black folks were there before Arabs. They are the original people there. No one forced them there.

3. The reason is because you have a people without a state there. Hence your Ukrainian argument is null and void.

4. If you want to be ignorant about the conflict by all means but don't act like you know what is going on.