You know, reading posts like this and observing the opinions of the general public...the behaviour of pacquiao, his team and his fans could be the basis of a very good pyschology case study into cults and how to manipulate large groups of people. I'm dead serious with this too. You've got a man like manny blatantly lying saying he sustained an injury which would mean he wouldn't be able to lift his arm as soon as he felt it let alone throw a punch, and people are just believing it 100%. There's 36 mins of video footage of him throwing both arms without a wince and we're supposed to believe hes got s torn muscle in his shoulder!? The muthafucca said the injury came back in the 3rd round when HE WAS THROWING 10 PUNCH DOUBLED FISTED FLURRIES IN ROUND 4. Use some fuccin common sense people jesus christ. The nicca was too dumb to not fill in the questionnaire in a way to help his can tell its a lie cos of how inconsistent his story is and how many potholes there are in it, with the pre fight questionnaire being a huge one.
If the nicca said the injury came back in the 3rd round. THEN WHY THE FUCC WAS HE ASKING FOR A NUMBING INJECTION A COUPLE HOURS BEFORE THE FIGHT haaaaanhhhh?
lets not even get onto the subjects of his back acne

and the fact he got his gloves confiscated immediately after the fight for suspicion of glove tampering and he looked shook when they took em

or the fact that at first he said he won the fight...and is now saying he lost because of his shoulder....sooooo which one is it? Is it black girl lost or shorty owe you for ice?
Robert greene is sitting somewhere like

cos manny is the living embodiment of law 27. Manny didnt hsve no damn shoulder injury during the fight and people are drinking the kool aid. How you gonna trust the word of a man who was preaching god before a fight, throws god in the bushes when he loses the fight, and then picks it up again once he trying to spin his ducktales days down the line. I also LOVE the fact his recovery schedule somehow conveniently falls in line with being able to have a fight in november like he usually does. Yer, no red flags there

. I used to like manny but now man fucc that nicca