Pac saying he would destroy krs, rakim and ll

Jun 12, 2012
:pachaha: what facts and streets are u referring to, u wanna bring up a bunch of extra shyt that has nothing to do with the argument but dodged the fukk outta my question.

this nikka pac came to ny and talked bad about y'all rappers on national tv and nothing happened to him :laff:

lets deal with real life actions and facts not your opinion,:duck:,interviews or hot 16's on wax that means nothing.

fact: pac blabbed and made records but harmed no one on these NY streets...... it made good theater but nikkaz dont want to digest the reality of pac their superhero being labeled food and abused in NY. it is what it is but your in mississipi NOT HERE and know via the internet and music records this wasnt true right:comeon:?

fact: TUPAC SHAKUR KNEW everbody who sonned him out and/or put bullets in him....
when someone shoots and almost kills u are u suppose to shoot back or kick a hot 16 about them or better yet other people who didnt shoot you:scusthov: ?:pachaha:

fact: jimmy henchman had pac robbed and shot...what did pac do to him besides kick a hot16? ansa that plz...

by the way jimmy moved to and lived in la while pac was on death row up until he got knocked by the feds 3 years ago

fact: tut was one of the people who shot pac and rocked his jewels openly... what happened to tut besides pac kicking a hot 16 t?

ansa that plz...i'll wait for you to acknowledge pac did nothing.......

fact: hatian jack moved to and still lives in la what did pac do to him besides dedicate another hot 16 lol?
ansa that plz

plz state real life events and facts not :duck:,personal opinions,interviews or hot16's...

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
i'm a fan of both. and i will say this. it would not have been a good battle at all.

one or two things would've happened. LL would've taken so big of a loss he would've never recovered. since pac was the new young dude doing it and repping for for everyone out there. while LL was making movies and getting that money. pac could've turned it into some obama vs elitist romney type ....

or the flipside would've been worse. where LL exposes who pac really is overall. not who the fans only remember to be. but a SMART, DUMB nucca.
think about LL schooling this young dude on some, why you talking about thug this and thug that when you're a millionaire or should be. why arent you? where is your money going? how are you teaching any black folks how to get it, when you're getting raped financially just like our people are always getting raped? you cant be my finance teacher if you are getting jacked as well. and only flossing in your bosses rental. that aint even yours.even though it should be with the amt of albums you told and movies you've done.

the black community need to learn finances. yet you up here talking about you're the leader of the youth. yet your finances aint right.

on top of all that. you stomping dudes out every other weekend when you're in your mid 20's. you aint banging. so whats the point? you aint on the corner, so whats the point? what. are you trying to prove to the streets you aint a punk? people that aint punks never have to PROVE anything unless they are defending themselves. SELF DEFENSE. thats it.

see now if LL breaks pac down like that and the masses realize what LL is saying is 100% truth. then pac loses a lot of steam early on in his career. but LL will also be exposing a lot of rappers in general for this same nonsense.
next thing you know LL is shot dead at some club.

nah. lets b real. LL would not have gotten far saying any of that.

and the "youre in your mid 20s, stompin people out" line wouldve gotten a :wtf: reaction and made LL look like a sucka-duck.

Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
Damn, Ra stans arent the smartest bunch. I said Ra's LYRICISM is over rated. For changing the game on HOW niccaz rap, Ra gets much love. On his lyricism he's over rated as a muthafukca. Kinda like Snoop is a legend in the game, but Snoop dont got NO BARS. Period.

takin 7 emcees and puttin em in a line aint dope to me, sorry. :jawalrus:

:stopitslime: your an idiot. You went from saying he was overrated lyrically to questioning if he had any dope bars. So you feel that Rakim is not just overrated lyrically but REALLY not that good at all lyrically. Then U proceed to compare Rakim to Snoop...lyrically:snoop:

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
He's the one who decided to live the "thug life" when he didn't grow up like that and hang around shady characters when he should have been living it up in Malibu...his dumbass mouth and paranoia about thinking Biggie had him shot got them both killed

how did he not grow up like that? you act like the nicca is from the burbs or something. hes from the streets and LITERALLY lived in the streets at one point.

my point was this. he said a lot of good things. made a lot of sense. but everytime he chose to make an Ignorant young black male decision he set himself back, and all the people he was trying to lead. LOOK at us now, look at all the youngins who love pac. what do they love about him? The i dont care attitude. not the brenda had a baby pac, not the dear mama pac. not the black militant pac. but the I dont care THUG pac. they remember the worse part about him.

so what he tried to do would never work until he cleaned that up a bit.

whos fault is that?

pac's whole life was basically an open book. people will take what they want to take from it. some like the thug pac the most. some like the militant pac. some people like the "i get around" pac. some like the woman sympathizer pac. some just want to shake their @$$ and do the humpty-hump. others like to just clown pac because he went to a creative arts school.

there are people that love wacky d the don, but hate other aspects of me. not just in real life, but on this forum as well. is it my fault? i can only be me.