There are thick Asian women but those hoes just fat.
Tatemae was a concept that I was unfamiliar with up until recently (say, the past 3 years or so).
Basically, it's the "face" that people talk about when they say "saving face". They will look you dead in your eyes and tell you something they do not actually believe, and this is across a majority of Japanese people.
This is why they come across as "nice" and "polite", but then wind up killing themselves because their jobs stress them out. This concept is why I am extra polite to customer service workers when I'm in Japan, because I know they're killing themselves to appear nice and friendly.
The downside of this is that they cannot just turn this off in interpersonal interactions,
It has to be seen to be believed haha.
This is lowkey cruel and unusual punishment to a Japanese woman.
The native ones got a thing in their culture where they can't break character or express discontent when at their jobs. Its deeply ingrained on an almost robotic level. So she is lowkey a prisoner in that interaction.
The most comprehensive description I've seen of it might be from @Th3Birdman