Just go hangout at the Hard Rock during AVN, pornstars, escorts, dancers everywhere. I was having dinner seated next to old ass Nina Hartly one evening. Tons of weirdos in there though. My boy and I were playing craps on the machine since he was too scared to get on a real table. Had a couple of porn stars sit down and start playing. It was all chill for a while then the creepers started to come over. One dude looked like something that crawled out of his mom's basement, unwashed hair, thick ass glasses, stubble, dirty ass tshirt and sweats. He sits down and started staring at them. Just wierd. Another dude in a wheel chair rolled up next to one of them like arms touching close. She had to phyically turn her back and sat facing me until he left. We were like damn, yall get that all the time here? They were like yeah pretty much. My boy struck up a conversation and asked her how she chose tricks. She pointed out who would pay and who wouldn't. Explained her process to us. Then went and turned a trick came back 30 minutes later and was like see?!?!

If you are normal most of them are pretty chill.