You do realize how pointless it is claiming what celebrities or white women period are "overrated" right? They look the way they look to appease white men who set the standard on what an attractive white woman looks like to them. The same way you claim their "hot" women are overrated non-Black people could say the same about whatever we consider attractive it's a complete waste of time.
Look, I know that beauty is somewhat subjective. That's not the point. The point is how White people use the media to enforce Eurocentric beauty standards. They will tell you X is sooo beautiful, meanwhile there's somebody Black who objectively is more beautiful in EVERY way, but who's skin is the wrong shade, so that means less magazine covers, less movies, less TV shows, a smaller internet presence, and most importantly, less money.
This isn't about knocking White women. I like a lot of White women. If you're attractive, you're attractive, it doesn't matter if you're White, Black, Asian, Latino, or whatever, but this is about knocking the media machine that props up their women while downplaying ours.