OVE = ohio v everyone

Apr 1, 2014
This is my first real exposure to them, and I don't object to anything in their routine at all. They're something fun to watch. Just, they give me flashbacks to 2006, and I get a wild strain of secondhand embarrassment.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Guys, it's the Irish Airborne.

I put on for all my Ohio products (word to Johnny Gargano and Dean Ambrose when he decides to care), but the Crists simply aren't that good. You do realize that they're basically the LAST guys of note from ROH's prime run to get into a major fed. The last ones. That's not a mistake, and just because they decided to really lean into the "every 2000s-era Ohio emo band rolled into one" aesthetic doesn't mean they've actually gotten that much better (and, truth be told, hopefully they've paid Sami Callihan back for allowing them to crib off his gimmick).

I'm happy for the guys, really. They've worked they're asses off since the previous indie generation was en vogue and deserve a chance to get some exposure and make real money in wrestling. But let's not take a joke too far, please.

this same type of commentary could have been made for kenny omega.
before he became and rejuvenated himself as the cleaner in bullet club.
not every guy is that guy, but some guys have it and that kid has it.

art barr


Staff member
Jun 6, 2012
Guys, it's the Irish Airborne.

I put on for all my Ohio products (word to Johnny Gargano and Dean Ambrose when he decides to care), but the Crists simply aren't that good. You do realize that they're basically the LAST guys of note from ROH's prime run to get into a major fed. The last ones. That's not a mistake, and just because they decided to really lean into the "every 2000s-era Ohio emo band rolled into one" aesthetic doesn't mean they've actually gotten that much better (and, truth be told, hopefully they've paid Sami Callihan back for allowing them to crib off his gimmick).

I'm happy for the guys, really. They've worked they're asses off since the previous indie generation was en vogue and deserve a chance to get some exposure and make real money in wrestling. But let's not take a joke too far, please.

You from OH?



Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
this same type of commentary could have been made for kenny omega.
before he became and rejuvenated himself as the cleaner in bullet club.
not every guy is that guy, but some guys have it and that kid has it.

art barr

There's a quantum leap of difference between Kenny Omega pre-Bullet Club (who always had something no matter where he was working) and Jake Crist (who's been working for 14 years and never really stuck anywhere, and only got with a major company at the point when they're scraping the bottom of the barrel for names). The guy's been in ROH, CZW (during the DJ Hyde era), CHIKARA (as much as I don't like that place), BJPW, and PWG; if he had something, odds are somebody would've noticed. In contrast, Omega got picked up by WWE 5 years into his career (he left by choice), ROH, PWG, and DDT 8 years into his career (left the American promotions because of how well he was doing in Japan), and NJPW 10 years into his career. Gargano was getting major pub only 4 years in or so (as he should've, since he had something even during his early days in AIW) and got to WWE 10 years in (probably could've gone earlier). shyt, even his boy Sami Callihan was sticking to major indies 4-5 years in and got to the big time after 6.

As I said, I'm happy to see Ohio kids getting pub and making decent money (hopefully, this is TNImpaGfukkery). And they really have improved from what they were a decade ago. But, again, let's be realistic about this.

You from OH?



Living in LA, but raised in Cincy. Where you from?

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
There's a quantum leap of difference between Kenny Omega pre-Bullet Club (who always had something no matter where he was working) and Jake Crist (who's been working for 14 years and never really stuck anywhere, and only got with a major company at the point when they're scraping the bottom of the barrel for names). The guy's been in ROH, CZW (during the DJ Hyde era), CHIKARA (as much as I don't like that place), BJPW, and PWG; if he had something, odds are somebody would've noticed. In contrast, Omega got picked up by WWE 5 years into his career (he left by choice), ROH, PWG, and DDT 8 years into his career (left the American promotions because of how well he was doing in Japan), and NJPW 10 years into his career. Gargano was getting major pub only 4 years in or so (as he should've, since he had something even during his early days in AIW) and got to WWE 10 years in (probably could've gone earlier). shyt, even his boy Sami Callihan was sticking to major indies 4-5 years in and got to the big time after 6.

As I said, I'm happy to see Ohio kids getting pub and making decent money (hopefully, this is TNImpaGfukkery). And they really have improved from what they were a decade ago. But, again, let's be realistic about this.


Living in LA, but raised in Cincy. Where you from?

You talking like I don't know who Kenny omega is.
Kenny was trash.
till, kenny relaunched as a worker with the cleaner gimmick.
He was nowhere near as striking a worker like the bucks were on first viewing or repeated viewings till he became the cleaner.
I know so, because I used to rant his matches and the same exact thing could be said about him before that.
Kenny originally was unfocused and a generational talent.
So he had less wiggle room to be as poor a worker as he was originally.
We do not know these Indy guys home life and it takes years to develop. Yet again, that guy in ove has and showcased what it is.
when he showed up on impact.
Same as when Kenny ramped as the cleaner.
Kenny was nowhere near someone like Tyler black in roh on rohtv. He was lower than Chris hero and Rhett Titus. before both Titus and hero discovered they could benefit from ramping in tags.
Everyone can not be an immediate hit or an immediate striking visual component to the card. Let alone be a great workrate worker. They have to work at it and in that ove has worked and ramped.

It is bogus to deny it regardless of your past ideals. It would be like me fronting on Titus or hero. When, as just a viewer Titus repulses me.
generally like a hepatitis a through the whole alphabet type of disgust.

Yet Titus has ramped and continues to do so.
guys have had periods where they ramped. The same type of ramp a guy like Cedric Alexander had in his heel run on free rohtv. That should be cited and not lost because he is lost in the shuffle in the WWE. Ove is the same in tna and are showcasing what it takes to have it and in that....
I feel one half of them has it to be a singles champion.
I feel a number of guys have it. Whether they make it.
there is a total number of factors out of all our control
You are welcome to dispute it.
Yet I can rant to show you his improvement.
in just a few works on tna compared to his past work.
Are you willing to rant to support what you are saying or are you just saying it.

Art Barr
Last edited:


Staff member
Jun 6, 2012
There's a quantum leap of difference between Kenny Omega pre-Bullet Club (who always had something no matter where he was working) and Jake Crist (who's been working for 14 years and never really stuck anywhere, and only got with a major company at the point when they're scraping the bottom of the barrel for names). The guy's been in ROH, CZW (during the DJ Hyde era), CHIKARA (as much as I don't like that place), BJPW, and PWG; if he had something, odds are somebody would've noticed. In contrast, Omega got picked up by WWE 5 years into his career (he left by choice), ROH, PWG, and DDT 8 years into his career (left the American promotions because of how well he was doing in Japan), and NJPW 10 years into his career. Gargano was getting major pub only 4 years in or so (as he should've, since he had something even during his early days in AIW) and got to WWE 10 years in (probably could've gone earlier). shyt, even his boy Sami Callihan was sticking to major indies 4-5 years in and got to the big time after 6.

As I said, I'm happy to see Ohio kids getting pub and making decent money (hopefully, this is TNImpaGfukkery). And they really have improved from what they were a decade ago. But, again, let's be realistic about this.


Living in LA, but raised in Cincy. Where you from?
Dayton. Got a brother that lives in Cincy