Yea i dont know what these dudes in here are sayingTruman show is by far his best film. If I was a producer I'd remake that in a heartbeat, with a darker theme.
Yes. And I didn’t say it needed to be darker, but a more horror or suspense or tragic twist to it without the whimsy would be intruiging. I wouldn’t even expose the fact that Truman’s god is a tv producer and his life is a sham to the audience until act 2. I think the level of horror that would create for someone is undertold and could be its own focus of a remake.The movie where the main character is the star of the biggest TV show of all time without knowing it, watches his father drown and loses the love of his life to men in black needs to be darker.
The movie works because it's all sunshine and lollipops on the surface and dark underneath.
Dumb and Dumber is Jim at his most ridiculous. His funniest movie too.
I would put Cable Guy and Liar Liar as 2 and 3.
I think he's very underrated in Fun with dikk and Jane. First 40 minutes or so is pretty gold.
The Grinch is number 1 and he should have won an Oscar for it.