There was this X Men Annual
.X- Men 95 Age of Apocalypse..Apocalypse was assumed still dead from the X Cutioner's Song. So Cable's Son Tyler was acting as his heir and leading the Dark Riders. It told of a story of Sinister in the past seeming falling in love again in the Great Depression Era in America with a woman..she eventually found out about his true face and his scientific manipulations. Locked her up. Stared at her alot. Then let her go. Tyler found the old woman and tried to get Sinister to show emotion. She died in a psychic tryst created by Jean and Sinister no sold her death. Interesting tale. It came off like he cared about her but couldn't show weakness to Jean, Beast, and the Dark Riders. Told Jean to get the husk of a woman out of his sight after she died from the psionc link.