Our real president Elon Musk says everyone descended from both slaves and slave-owners

Sep 15, 2015
Chase U
I hate it when white people try to make that bullshyt argument, because it oversimplified and minimizes the unique brutality of American institutional chattel slavery. They use the simple truth about slavery existing in various forms throughout history, but ignore how the system of slavery in the US was distinct in its racialization, its scale, and how central it was to the economy. Institutional chattel slavery dehumanized Black people, and it was legal. It was the backbone of the US economy. It legally reduced Black people to nothing but property, and also entrenched racial hierarchies that still shape laws, culture, and economic systems long after it was abolished.

Animals like Elon Musk do this intentionally to downplay the legacy that continues to drive disparities and systemic inequities *today*. Whitewashing the specific impacts of American institutional chattel slavery only serves to erase the context of white supremacy and the exploitation that defined it. He knows this. He enjoys doing this.