I'm gonna pick it up on sale. I liked the first one a lot.
Yeah, do that. First one was one of my top 5 games of last year that I played. This one looking to possibly be in the same vein. I like that Ori is more combat oriented now, while he still got his defensive play style as well. Now it's just a matter of when the fukk Hollow Knight Silksong going to dropped. I just narrowly had HK beating out the last Ori game, mainly cuz of the combat and various build styles and the world lore was tighter Also, HK had legit thorough boss fights by the dozens, whereas the first Ori only had boss sequences, not really fights. Now you actually battle them rather than just run away. They've improved the world lore quite a bit in this one, with having many sidequests and other characters as well. Game looks as beautiful as ever and music is somehow even more sublime. So far, I see they still have its lil epic thrill moments too. I think it's possibly the smoothest platformer made or at least in recent history/within the metroidvania mold. Rayman was about as smooth as well with its platforming, but was obviously a more strictly platformer game than this is.